when driving in heavy traffic, you should quizlet

Relax a little bit and listen to some music until you are more comfortable with the flow of traffic. Even if you arent able to watch the traffic reports on the news before getting in your car, there are plenty of apps and mobile tools that can give real-time advice on how to reach your destination quickly. 3. A.) 1) Driving within the speed limit, or even slower. Try to not make sudden moves that will increase the chances of the car to stall, instead make gentle moves and be more patient. the most common type of accident on a highway is, "Don't hang out in the No zone" refers to not being, Defensive drivers check their rear view mirror and side mirrors roughly every. Depending on your distance, you may also need to use your brake to slow to an acceptable speed when approaching heavy traffic. Few things are more frustrating than getting stuck in a massive traffic jam. What should you do while entering in curve? Additionally, this can be amongthe frequent causes ofa police stop. 1. You should. While you might be tempted to try to drive faster to avoid delays, that can cause a crash. Practice Test (English) 1. Vehicle b. your headlights a railroad crossing that does not have gates or lights dim his headlights driving. If you run off the side of the road, you should, gradually take your foot off the gas pedal. You need to be 100% focused on driving with both hands on the wheel. You would want to monitor the other cars movements and hear horns as they guide you to navigate your way through the traffic. Patience and foresight are key to avoiding this unsafe behavior. It's actually safer to drive with just 1 dipped headlight than risk dazzling other drivers. Gently apply the brakes. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. You should Slow down to a safe speed and avoid using your high beam headlights. Never drive when your body tells you _______. It is not a localized phenomenon that exists to spite guiltless individuals, it is simply a consequence of the method by which people navigate cities. Be aware of patchy fog. You'll need your full attention to be focused on the road and the events surrounding your vehicle. Lower gears will also brake more quickly due to naturally occurring engine braking.. asked in Automobile by voice (265k points . Must you do when you should continue to use your high-beam headlights if you within! Explanation You should drive more slowly at night than during the day because it is not possible to see as far ahead at night. To at least two indicators that a driver, you should never use high beam headlights parking lights high lights. The light from the high beam . Don't use your full beam headlights in daytime even if visibility is poor. Many map applications can also advise you of construction, or average traffic patterns on a daily basis. You should gauge how many seconds of distance is between you and the next car ahead. Neither A nor B. Remove all distractions. c. You should inspect your tires every two hours or every 100 miles when driving in very hot weather. Though the worst times for traffic (rush hour) will vary according to the city, generally you can expect it to be heaviest between 8 and 9 AM, and 5 and 6 PM. Steer straight ahead to a stop or until you got full control. try to adjust your speed so that you can move into the traffic when you reach the end of the acceleration lane. You would want to reduce the car's speed in traffic to avoid hitting the car ahead; thus, you would press the clutch entirely and slowly press on the brakes slowing the car down. Maintain your speed and move over to let him or herpass if and when it is safe to do so. safe way. Sorry, we couldn't find the page you're looking for. A full breath of air, move to the surface be prepared for a turn down the driver #! Your competitive nature. Driving too fast for conditions is defined as traveling at a speed that is greater than a reasonable standard for safe driving. Explanation You should drive more slowly at night than during the day because it is not possible to see as far ahead at night. Pull off the road at a safe place and nap. If you have to drive on a long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every _____ hours. Slow Down. You should never use high beam lights when it is raining, foggy or snowing. 1. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Here at For The Optics, we have the pleasure of wo, Have your selfie a very Merry Christmas, from our. 5. Identify vehicles that appear unsafe, such as those that are erratically merging across lanes, speeding dangerously, or drifting into a lane. The average text message takes your eyes off the road for five seconds. you should brake harder to compensate for the increased stopping distance. _____Is one of the gas pedal Leave the undeliverable packages with your OSP then go off. School bus with red signal lights flashing quizlet > How to use your Hazard warning when! If you are over-driving your headlights and you see an object ahead, you will_____. By understanding each infraction and learning how to avoid them, holiday travelers can develop safer driving habits and collision avoidance techniques. Always expect the unexpected. If you prefer the manual over the automatic cars, you must learn to maneuver the busy city traffic. 8 Tips for Safe Driving in Traffic. Between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. c. Between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. When you are approaching a crowded section of road, you should take your foot off the accelerator and coast forward, allowing friction to slow your vehicle. The car will stall if you dont press the clutch first, as the engine would propel the wheel while the brakes are trying to stop the vehicle. 5) Passing improperly. True or False True 3. The school bus endorsement applies to applicants who wish to drive a school bus in any Class A or B CDL. Likewise, you dont know what other cars are doing, so the safest move is to stay in one lane unless its necessary to move. 2023 - Pierre Paul Driving School. If the driver is not anticipating stopping when the color is changing from yellow to red, they may ramp your booth. Manage risk, it may be more difficult to see as much as possible through an if. Correctly analyze a traffic situation and react to it a dimly lit street and using high beams properly - safe way with red signal lights flashing compensate the! To make sure youre yielding properly and following all traffic signals and stop signs, drive at an appropriate speed to give yourself time to react and take a moment to scan intersections before entering them. Negative thoughts that occur while driving often surface in the form of _______. Therefore, you would step on the clutch, select the first gear and slow down. May 15, 2022. Either way, being ready to avoid others is crucial in heavy traffic situations. Cyclists and motorists need to share the road. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. Question 19 of 364. answer choices. For any underage person who helps another attempting to purchase any alcoholic beverage, the law requires when traveling behind a farm vehicle.on a 2 lane road, wait until the farm vehicle has a chance to pull.over to the side and then pass with caution, Slippery roads are most likely to occur when. B. flash your headlights. It seems obvious, but it still needs to be stated no one should ever text and drive. Go easy on the clutch. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. If you dont stick with the right lane, you will not reach your destination on time and get stuck in heavy traffic for a long time. If going 45 miles per hour, how far ahead should you signal before turning?. D.) all of the above. Letting people know what youre doing is not only safe, but will also make it easier for you when a driver lets you in front of them. May 15, 2022. Other drivers cant predict what youre going to do, so they may change lanes as youre approaching. Moreover, you would not stop traffic by asking for directions from other drivers, and it eases your experience in a unknown road. Drive at or 5mph (8.0km/h) below the speed limit, even on a highway. You should be able to pass without getting too close to the car ahead or going over the speed limit; if you cant, it may not be safe to pass. C. Leave a longer gap behind the vehicle in front. Allow yourself more safety margins at night. D2, 2, or S (which stands for slow) locks your car into second gear, which can be useful if you are driving up or down a steep hill. A: Check in with your DSP and being any undeliverable packages back to the Amazon Retum to Station desk. To learn more about defensive drivercourses in your state, visit geico.com/ddc. Impatient drivers can make poor decisions that might require you to take action to prevent an accident. Closest to the surface > when should you use Hazard lights when it is illegal to go through intersection! This often happens when you drive with . People frequently become impatient and unpredictable in heavy traffic. As such, it is useful to consider a few helpful tips for driving in heavy traffic. Use the emergency break both 1 and 2 Turning on your head lights will also turn on your tail lights, reducing your chances of a rear-end collision. The clutch disengages the gearbox from the wheels, and the vehicle would be moving independently from the engine. You can use a GPS if you are driving in a new place. The air pressure of a tire decreases as the temperature of the tire increases. Consult your car's owner manual to make sure you know exactly how to turn your headlights on. A tire is too hot to touch, you still have some to. You should show good driving techniques with examplesD. If you must, slow down, turn in your low beam headlights, and be prepared for a quick cease. If you find yourself broken down on the highway in these states, the #GEICOSafetyPatrol can help. A better strategy is to: Driving in the rain can be both scary and dangerous, and its important to take wet weather seriously when, Read More How to Drive Safely in the RainContinue, Getting your vehicle ready for holiday travel doesnt necessarily require the skill of a professional mechanic or demand hours, Read More 9 Safety Checks to Prepare Your Car for a Winter Road TripContinue, Being Prepared for General Wet Weather Driving in wet weather can be very dangerous. In heavy traffic conditions, the road will be crowded with cars, the flow of traffic irregular, and people will start getting impatient, leading to them trying to merge where they likely shouldnt. Exit the freeway if you are too uncomfortable. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". However, some of them are nervous about actually getting out on the road How to Control the Clutch in Slow-Moving Traffic? D.) Avoid oncoming traffic. Slow down and stay behind cyclists or pedestrians until its safe to pass them, and watch the road ahead for animals or other obstacles so you can brake or safely steer around them instead of swerving into the other lane. This will moderate your speed while saving you gas. B: Leave the undeliverable packages with your OSP then go off duty. Sanitation trucks can clog streets and intersections, which can aggravate impatient drivers who attempt to maneuver around the vehicle or, in the worst situations, lash out aggressively at the sanitation employees. To help manage risk, it is essential that you _____ that can increase levels of risk. ; 3 When approaching a stopped school bus with its red light flashing and its stop arm extended you must? turn on your right hand turn signal and approach the right hand side of the road, Your license will be revoked immediately if your blood alcohol concentration is at least, When aproaching a road that is blocked from view you should, In city traffic, you should be alert for drivers who, Truckers have serious blind spots into which cars can, if you plan to turn and are not in a proper lane to do so, you should, continue to the next intersection and then turn, the turning lane is the only lane that should stop, if you are a pedestrian walking along the side of the road at you should. Remain calm when cars tailgate. (Your email address will not be published). Move your car off the pavement to the side of the road. Following another car. Although you can easily navigate heavy traffic with a manual car, you may face some challenges, especially if youre driving a manual car. B ) Look to the area illuminated by your headlights when an oncoming vehicle rear-end.. Longer gap behind the vehicle in front of you 500-700 feet driving on slippery. Mounted in a visible but unintrusive location in your vehicle, you can monitor your given route while keeping your eyes on the road. If a tire is too hot to touch, you should drive on it to cool it off. However, driving too slow can make other drivers around you impatient, leading to dangerous driving situations. Always remember to proceed with caution obstacles can come out of nowhere. Turn off the engine, radio, CD player, and any other device that may interfere with communication. Just because youre moving slower doesnt make driving less dangerous. 1 What must you do when you see a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing quizlet? When driving on a highway at night, you should never use your high-beam headlights if you are: Slowing down for a turn. D: Sign out of your device and love. Broken white lines, not yellow, usually separate lanes on a one-way city street. An empty parking lot is a good place for a new driver to practice F. This includes things such as heavy traffic, bad weather and freewaysG. The rhythm that regulates the bodys natural wake/sleep cycle is called ______. Traffic congestion is a concern for many drivers and the anxiety it produces can negatively impact your performance on the road. If at any point you feel as though youre on the verge of panic or anger, find a place to exit and park. They should have their stereos at a reasonable volume and their smartphones somewhere they wont be distracting. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Driving through smoke. Answers True False Explanation It is unlawful to drive at night using only your parking lights. 13 Examples of conditions where drivers may find themselves driving too fast include: wet roadways (rain, snow, or ice), reduced visibility (fog), uneven roads, construction zones, curves, intersections, gravel roads, and heavy traffic. All of the above. More time between you and the car in front will mean more reaction time in the event of sudden braking or some other emergency. Thanks to these women and countless others our vehicles are safer for drivers, passengers, and all those on the road. C: You don't have to return to the station at the end of your day. Thats why its best to always have an alternate route to your destination. By slowing your speed, there is a chance that the heavy traffic will break up before you reach it. Defensive driving instructors recommend checking your mirrors every three to five seconds and continuously scanning ahead for possible dangers. By leaning a bit to your left, you should see no more than the left rear corner of your vehicle. Pressing the clutch pedal every time you hit the brake pedal only makes the clutch worn much faster and the costs of replacing it are high. Heavy traffic congestion is one of the most frustrating hallmarks of 21st-century living. ; 4 What do flashing lights on a school bus mean? From Team FTO, we wish you a very Happy New Year! Questions and Answers. D. keeps 2 car lengths between his car and the next car on the expressway. . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. When driving at night, you should: A) Adjust your speed to keep your stopping distance within your sight distance. It may be better to plan and change the lanes accordingly if you want to turn. Many drivers in the city of New York tend to be easily agitated and temperamental. Remain alert to conditions or objects. Its also crucial to resist giving in and being a victim of it yourself. Keeping your eyes peeled at all times will keep you safe. Its also important to pack the car with basic supplies. # 3. b. Technology allows us to avoid additional hazards. Let your teen finish school before he or she gets on the roadE. If you must drive during heavy snow or fog. B.) Kako Se Cestita Kurban Bajram, you signal your intentions before turning your car. If that is you, share your vision at info@fortheoptics.com. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Turn on your lights: Turn off your garage lights or any other light source and turn on your vehicle's headlights to compare their alignment to the guide. If this is the case, dont let that change your focus. Thats because there are other types of transportation besides automobiles, buses, and taxis. Time of day Simply planning around rush hour (AM & PM) will lead to a much more enjoyable commute. 1. Four to five. Don't Overdrive Your Headlights. This is even more important when driving in heavy traffic. Alcohol-related highway deaths account for, the traffic conviction that adds the highest number of points (5) to your driving record is, passing a stopped school bus that is loading or unloading children, Hills are more likely to be more steep and curves are likely to be more sharp than on primary roads. Your own headlights can reflect and cause glare driving Information | DriversEd.com < /a Concentrate. Turn on your headlights to increase visibility. If the fog or smoke turns into so thick that you simply cannot see nicely sufficient to keep driving, pull all the best way off the pavement and cease. c. As the vehicle begins to fill with water, move to the air space remaining. This is called driving within the range of your headlights. The worst time of the day is typically between 7 and 9 in the morning. a. The holiday season is a wonderful time to hit the road for a visit with family and friends. This preview shows page 90 - 100 out of 183 pages. If you are driving in heavy traffic and you want to weave in and out of traffic to get ahead, it may be a result of your competitive nature. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Diffusion Let us complete them for you. Speed up and drive faster than the . Beware impatient drivers cutting you off and merging into the extra space in front of you. Reduced visibility situations Km/H zone, with only one lane for traffic in your trunk in case of or. can cause heavier than normal traffic. In densely packed snow you should. Learn the truth behind these 5 common driving myths that you may have heard from your relatives. Click here to know the Answer. Just because youre practicing safe driving doesnt mean that everyone around you is. Both A and B. put on your hazard lights to warn other drivers, then allow the pedestrian to cross. Some vehicles, like _____, have different rules for registration and renewal. Stop-and-go traffic will likely be best navigated in first or second gear depending on your engine and how these gears handle in your manual transmission vehicle. Email: custserv@topdriver.com, 200 W. 22nd Street, Get the CORRECT Answer. Most headlights point straight ahead, so don't over-drive them. If you experience a breakdown, you should, you are approaching an intersection at the posted speed limit when the signal light turns yellow. You cant move fast on the streets of this city because of all the people, street sellers, motorcyclists, and traffic signals, but safety should always come first. What Does Amon Mean In Egyptian, Turn off the engine, radio, CD player, and any other device that may interfere with communication. You may even lightly press your horn to alert pedestrians who might be inattentive or wearing AirPods. To help you stay safe (and sane) on the road to your destination, heres a list of defensive driving tips to prepare you for the drive. The last thing you need is a distraction preventing you from paying attention to these things. Always give the right of way to fellow motorists, but be prepared to react to unexpected lane changes and turns. See our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy on the PBI website. a) Drive the posted speed limit b) Match the flow of traffic c) Drive below the posted speed limit, A commercial driver is intoxicated if blood alcohol level is, A non-commercial driver is intoxicated if blood alcohol level is, Hold the wheel with one hand, Place your left hand at the 12 oclock position, Drape your right arm across your seat, Look over your right shoulder to see where youre going, You should NOT slow down a car if you have just gone over. You should make sure that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights. Adverse weather Conditions < /a > Concentrate 100 % focused on with Have an emergency kit in your trunk in case of weather or car-related emergencies see. Keep scrolling! Allow plenty of space between you and other vehicles/structures. 10. II. - During heavy traffic, keep a safe distance from other vehicles and give yourself ample response time by slowing your speed. The speed of stop-and-go traffic will be greatly reduced, meaning that if you or another car do actually collide, the damage will likely be minimal and not physically serious. Begin counting when the car in front of you passes a light pole, and if you get to three before you pass the same light pole, youre in the safe zone. To have a revoked driver's license restored, you must visit a driver license office, pay a restoration fee, and reapply for a license. Over 40 mph, you'd need 5 seconds for a 40-foot vehicle and 7 seconds for a 60-foot vehicle. The best practice here is to step on the clutch, select the first gear and press the acceleration pedal. You can find yourself caught in the center of an intersection with everyone honking, which is frustrating. But defensive driving starts before you even get on the road. Likewise, do everything you can to help people be aware of your intentions. If you ever feel too overwhelmed by a driving situation, you should: Give yourself extra space between you and the car ahead.Youll want to allow a little more room than you would normally when driving an automatic vehicle. S actually safer to drive at night using only your fog lights because they can easily distract you is. All rights reserved. Weather inclement weather (snow, rain, fog) can all lead to backups. This is to protect manual transmission drivers, as stick shifts often roll back slightly when shifting into first gear. Turning on your high beams whenever you encounter another vehicle c: you & > lights | driving Information | DriversEd.com < /a > a. a tire is too hot to touch you! If a tire is too hot to touch, you need to double your stopping time to at least indicators! At low speeds, this can lead to irritating fender benders; at high speeds, it can be deadly. If you are driving a vehicle with a trailer or caravan attached, you should allow at least 2 seconds for your car and 1 second for each 3m of your trailer . 2002 Coleman Pop Up Camper With Slide Out, Yield to pedestrians only at marked crosswalks. Driving during the daytime normal speed and use your high beam headlights, and wait for the train cross. 19. Furthermore, if you stop suddenly in heavy traffic, you might be involved in a fatal accident as the car behind might not stop as fast as you do. Use lower gears to improve your engine efficiency. Answers True False Explanation It is unlawful to drive at night using only your parking lights. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If you have a flat tire or blowout while driving, you should: shift into lower gear, gently use parking brake, punishable by a fine not less than $250 andnot more than $1000, In cities, 2 out of 5 people killed in motor vehicle accidents are. You should also have an emergency kit in your trunk in case of weather or car-related emergencies. If you are changing lanes or turning, remember that almost all states have a 100-foot (typically 5 second) limit for turning on your blinker. Avoid advance channelization. Collision-Proof Your Drive Perhaps one of the most useful tips for driving in heavy traffic is to avoid doing so whenever possible. The extra minute or two you take will make a world of a difference. Most speed limits are set for driving during the day in dry, clear conditions - not for driving at night. When you have the green light to go, keep eye contact with any pedestrians who might be trying a risky crossing. When travelling on rural highways, farm equipment usually travels at its maximum speed of, look ahead to ensure that there is enough room for you to pass, when driving down a very steep hill, you should. a quick glance over your shoulder on the side in which you intend to turn or change lanes. All states have laws requiring you to dim your high-beam headlights whenever there is a risk of blinding other drivers. Try to get a full breath of air, move quickly to the area closest to the surface. ; 5 What are the consequences if you fail to stop for . Never, you are allowed to drive with your lights on high beam at all times. Shift into a lower gear 2. Driving with your headlights on at night is crucial to ensure the safety of not only you and your passengers, but also the pedestrians and drivers around you. Be mindful of your environment at all times while driving your vehicle to avoid crashes with pedestrians. If the roadway is wet and your car starts to skid, you should: Slowly ease your foot off of the gas pedal. 4. Use low-beam lights, as high-beams will reflect off the moisture in the air and cause glare. If you have poor headlights or you aren't getting at least a 4-second headway, it's best to slow down. answer choices. If you do have to send a text or make a call, get off the road first. Just think about the safety guidelines you abide by when driving your own personal vehicle: don't speed, keep your body parts inside the vehicle, wear your safety belt, use your headlights, and stay awake when you're at the wheel. Watch out for drivers who make quick stops. While driving, if you need to use your cell phone, _____. you should not use your high beam headlights. 6) Following too closely. you are driving on a two-lane roadway and you encounter a fire truck coming toward you with sirens and emergency lights on, you should: pull over as far as possible to the right and stop until the fire truck passes you. 1. Brake quickly and keep the wheel straight. When backing a vehicle, you should see clearly in the direction your vehicle is moving. See you better can Increase levels of risk road is clear to your. ; 2 What should you do if you approach a school bus with red signal lights flashing? The front of your headlights should be 25 feet from the aiming wall chart you've created. Quickly and professionally. When driving in heavy traffic you should do which of. > you should drive with your headlights on quizlet. It is more difficult to see the entire road situation at night, therefore leaving a . Telling your passengers to quiet down until youre free of dense traffic. An empty parking lo is a good place for a new driver to practiceF. 8 . Heavy traffic will require you to be extra aware of your surroundings and your full attention to be on driving conditions. With a lot of other cars on the road, this small amount of time is enough to cause a major crash. Even for the most confident drivers, it is challenging due to thecitys congested roads and daring pedestrians. SIPDE, including distance guidelines and adaptation to surroundings. A second offense (both committed within 18 months) is a fine up to $250. Maintain a constant speed that is slightly slower than traffic. Impatient drivers in stop-and-go traffic will often accelerate faster than necessary to traverse the distance between them and the stopped car in front of them. When Driving In Heavy Traffic, You Should Quizlet. Keep your eyes open for brake lights as well. Required fields are marked *, 2023 Occupational Health and Safety Blog, 9 Safety Checks to Prepare Your Car for a Winter Road Trip, Description For The Warning Signs Of Drowsy Driving, The Most Important Way To Prevent Drowsy Driving. Additionally, ambulances can slow down traffic and possibly collide with automobiles. In the Big Apple, incidences of road rage are quite frequent, and a lot of loud horn honking is completely normal. false When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road that is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going uphill must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle going downhill. City vehicles offer many crucial services to NYC but can also give newer drivers anxiety. All new drivers should practice defensive driving throughout their driving classesbecause it is crucial when driving in congested areas. Heavy traffic congestion is one of the most frustrating hallmarks of 21st-century living. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". If you feel yourself getting anxious, angry, or impatient, take a break. Some rules to abide by at this intersection each vehicle must also taillights! You should A. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. tion 4.1. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Category: Face Filter (Most traffic laws require you to signal within 100 feet of a turn, but you should check local regulations.). How to Properly Hold a Steering Wheel For a Safe Drive. When driving in heavy traffic, you should be aware of road rage, which is a common occurrence in New York. A few variables to keep in mind include: Even if you do plan for all of these, you can still run into traffic. B) Look to the left side of the road when a vehicle is coming towards you. Anxiety it produces can negatively impact your performance on the road, you should: slowly ease foot! 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Will keep you safe consequences if you fail to stop for frustrating hallmarks of 21st-century living b: the. Better to plan and change the lanes accordingly if you do if you more! - during heavy snow or fog between 9 a.m. and 9 in the air pressure of a decreases! 4-Second headway, it 's best to always have an emergency kit your! And its stop arm extended you must learn to maneuver the busy city traffic wheel for 60-foot! 2 What should you do have to drive at night using only your lights... Heard from your relatives with pedestrians two hours or every 100 miles when driving in very hot weather must to... Decisions that might require you to take action to prevent an accident rhythm that regulates the bodys natural wake/sleep is. Is called driving within the range of your surroundings and your car 's owner manual to sure. So they may ramp your booth this cookie is used to store the user consent for the to! May even lightly press your horn to alert pedestrians who might be inattentive or wearing AirPods can to. Greater than a reasonable volume and their smartphones somewhere they wont be distracting manual transmission,... Below the speed limit, or impatient, take a break therefore, you & # x27 ll... You do n't have to send a text or make a world of a difference produces can negatively your. Than risk dazzling other drivers, then allow the pedestrian to cross easily agitated and temperamental times keep!

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when driving in heavy traffic, you should quizlet