danaids and dircae

. All references to "writings from the apostles' churches" or "early Christian writings" on this site can be read at EarlyChristianWritings.com or Christian Classic Ethereal Library, as well as other web sites. In any case, Bowersocks unease is well founded. Tertullian was born the son of a Roman Centurion in Carthage around 150 AD. This second group were singled out because others believed they had a general hatred for humankind. . I do need to touch on the two women Clement lists, "the Danaids and Dircae." Soon the sons of Aegyptus presented themselves to the palace and asked once more to marry the Danaides. It is possible that a Christian writer of second-century date intended this passage to refer to events connected with Nero and the fire. It is very possible that this was the house of St. Clement himself. 67 In his De lAuthenticity des Histoires et des Annales de Tacite, Hochart points out that, whereas the Life of St. Martin and the Dialogues of Sulpicius were found in many libraries, there was only one manuscript of Sulpicius Severuss Chronicle, probably of the eleventh century, which is now in the Vatican. The third is the special interest of the Roman Church in the death of the two chief apostles, Peter and Paul, at Rome. What seems to make the idea so compelling and impossible to dismiss is that it is based on a high quality historical source of apparently unimpeachable fidelity, the Annales of the historian Tacitus. 3) 1 Clement is authentic therefore confirms the Pauls death under Nero. And Juno was propitiated by Roman matrons, first on the Capitol and then at the nearby seashore from which water was drawn and sprinkled on the temple and the image of the goddess. Doris Lessing, I like the probability of the impossible." A technical comment regarding Clements Letter to the Corinthians: As far as I remember (also from Earl Dohertys texts), the expressions put to death (in most righteous pillars [of the Church] have been persecuted and put to death) and suffered martyrdom under the prefects do not correspond to the Greek text (which gives no indication of violent deaths). This made the Christians infamous throughout Rome where they hadnt been known of before. The absence is doubly striking since it was precisely a fire at Nicomedia (two of them, in fact) that caused Galerius and Diocletian to turn on the Christians in the Great Persecution of 303 C.E. Not by any human resources, not by the benefactions of the emperor, and not by any placating of the gods did the sinister rumour fade by which it was believed that the fire had been ordered. It is hard to believe that Lactantius was wholly unaware of Tacitus. Required fields are marked *. 3 (trans. 1 Clem. This conclusion is based on subsequent Christian writings, in particular that of Lactantius. The paucity and weakness of the data, however, have not prevented acceptance of the historicity of this first persecution as an undisputed fact. The names of the Danades was complete but with new entries and some alteration in the spellings. His views are at bottom mere apologetics, anyway as you yourself comment with respect to point 2. I have just sent this letter to the New York Review of books. ISBN 1-905048-0-68. However, Shaw stresses the importance of recognising the passage is the only source for the involvement of Christians with the fire and their persecution in its aftermath.. 33:11]; adding, moreover, this gracious declaration, 'Repent, O house of Israel, of your iniquity'" [Ezek. . | Privacy Policy I think I was the first to present a comprehensive case (587-630) for the whole Neronian persecution as a consequence of the Great Fire, let alone the idea of any Christian responsibility for it, as being a later myth. As Peter wrote,"I think it is right, as long as I am in this tabernacle [this body], stir you up by reminding you" (2 Pet. Some accounts tell that their punishment in Tartarus was being forced to carry a jug to fill a bathtub (pithos) without a bottom (or with a leak) to wash their sins off. The most interesting fact about these brothers is their progeny. Yes, I had read Hurtados piece but my post was too long for me to include reference to what he had said. Other references not currently quoted here: Euripides Bacchae 519, Euripides Heracles 27, Propertius 3.16.13. If Tacitus is the only source that connects Christians, their persecution, and the fire, we might usefully ask: what do other sources say about this same matter? Greek text available from the same website, Online version at the Perseus Digital Library, Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Danades&oldid=1129780773, Archedice, along with her sister Helice and two others, chosen by lot by the rest, had founded the temple of Lindian, This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 03:05. 1. . It would take a separate article to cover the evidence for this word not being generally known among the elites of the likes of Tacitus, Juvenal, Pliny and Suetonius until the early second century. * Poggio Bracciolini served under four successive popes (14041415); first as scriptor (writer of official documents), soon moving up to abbreviator, then scriptor penitentiarius, and scriptor apostolicus. 5. Prior to this episode the letter notes in very general terms that. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. "Desiring that all his beloved should be partakers of repentance ". Not just in reference to a Tacitus account of such an event, but in any discussion of the tradition of martyrdom in their own history, something which Christian writers were continually fixated upon, from Clement to Tertullian to Eusebius. Shaw, a classicist, demonstrates a critical approachthat is all too seldom encountered among ancient historians and theologians who refuse to face the questionable quality of their primarysources. Where to eat? Recall Plinys second century letter to the emperor Trajan confessing that he had little idea on how to judge the Christians who were being brought before him. Dirke was originally the wife of King Lykos (Lycus) of Thebes who, as punishment for the mistreatment of her niece Antiope, was tied to a wild bull and torn limb from limb. ", "Thanks for this detailed interaction! The myth says that, when they died, they Danaides were forced to a torment for eternity. Danaus soon understood the plan of his brother and was not willing to surrender his beautiful daughters to his nasty nephews. Your voice is unique. Slingerland proceeds to take on the notorious crux in Suet. The absence is doubly striking since it was precisely a fire at Nicomedia (two of them, in fact) that caused Galerius and Diocletian to turn on the Christians in the Great Persecution of 303 C.E. .The Sybilline Oracles believed the legend that Nerowas a Once and Future Kinga villain in the West but a hero in the Eastwho would one day return at the head of the Parthian armies to destroy the Roman Empire. certain women who were spectacularly executed, dressed up as Danaids and Dircae. Argive ancestor For having been seduced by Zeus, Io, a native from Argos, was severely punished by the god's jealous wife Hera, who pursued her all over the world. The writer concludes: Thereafter the brethren kept together with one accord, rejoicing and exulting in the Lord. No Tacitean horror spectacle there. Top Danaides And Dircae Quotes Anyone interested in becoming a professional umpire and becoming eligible to work in the minor leagues must attend one of the two umpire schools sanctioned by Major League Baseball. In Greek mythology, the Danades (/dne.diz/; Greek: ), also Danaides or Danaids, were the fifty daughters of Danaus. ", Earl Doherty, November 2013 (personal email), "Note that I do not use the term amateur pejoratively. The intelligent Aegyptus wanted to get his sons married to the Danaides. hero concept in European and Jewish mythology, and his (apocalyptic?) When he wrote these words, he firmly believed (I believe) that there was good evidence that linked these events in a single coherent narrative. Did the following really happen? The first unequivocal mention of the Neronian persecution in connection with the burning of Rome is found in the forged correspondence of Seneca and the apostle Paul, which belongs to the fourth century. As such, he functioned as a personal attendant (amanuensis) of the Pope, writing letters at his behest and dictation, with no formal registration of the briefs, but merely preserving copies., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poggio_Bracciolini. But Lycus married Dirce. . Paul says that he went throughout the world preaching that the Gentiles should repent and turn to God, doing works suitable for repentance" (Acts 26:20). [A] persecution of Christians by the emperor Nero in connection with the Great Fire of 64 seems improbable given the context of the relations between officials of the Roman state and Christians over the first century CE. Lactantius wrote accounts of the wrongful persecutions of Christians by Roman rulers yet he omits any mention of a fire in the time of Nero. When the people of Argos were about to choose their king, a wolf entered the city and tore a bull into pieces. The Neronian persecution first appears full-blown in Sulpicius Severus, a Christian historian writing around 400 CE. Through envy and jealousy, the greatest and most righteous pillars [of the Church] have been persecuted and put to death. He and Tacitus were junior senators in the time of Domitian when the fire was still being commemorated on public boundary markers. To get rid of the rumour, Nero found and provided the defendants, and he afflicted with the most refined punishments those persons whom, hated for their shameful acts, the common people were accustomed to call Chrestiani. . Shawnotes that from time to time detailed arguments do appear to claim the following passage is a later interpolation in whole or in part. Contents 1 Family 2 Mythology 3 In Roman culture 4 Notes 5 References In fact, Godfrey is extremely well read and his librarian skills have brought many important academic works to my attention. Shaw argues that the famous story of Nero burning and in other ways torturing Christians as punishment for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 C.E. I really should have included chapter 6 with chapters 3-5 because it is just a continuation. DIRKE (Dirce) was the Naiad-nymph of the spring of Dirke near Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). But Lykos and his wife Dirke (Dirce) imprisoned Antiope and treated her despitefully. The Jews from Jerusalem marveled at the precious gift given to the Gentiles, Cornelius being the first, by saying, "So God has granted repentance to life to the Gentiles as well" (Acts 11:18). Thus was he removed from the world. What seems to have happened under Claudius and then again under Nero is the temporary banishment of some Jewish sectarians from the city of Rome, but not, in any event, persons who would logically have been labelled at the time as a new and evil superstitio, words which were used only much later by Roman officials to label Christians. Some history is putty in the hands of this or that historian like the 1984 memory-holers. Without doubt, Danaus brought her in front of the Argos court. The two narrative lines look too similar to be independent of one another. Maybe this was because he loathed Christians too much to mention them at all anywhere in his work. 4) Pliny the Younger did show no hesitation to kill the obstinate Christians therefore he did know which was their crime under Nero. 6:7-9). And for him the issue was settled and there is no record that he ever persecuted the Christians again. In Romans 16, couples, single people, and women are key to missionary work; in 1Clement and The Shepherd of Hermas we see a great concern regarding the social order of women and the household. On the way she gave birth to two sons at Eleutherai (Eleutherae) in Boiotia (Boeotia). This first letter of Clement (a second letter was falsely attributed to him) was copied by the Corinthian Church and circulated all over the empire, rendering the very first papal encyclical. It was so highly regarded by the universal church that for several centuries the Church in Egypt and elsewhere regarded it as one of the New Testament scriptures. ", "Ive even been cited by atheists with approval (which I really dont know how to take, so thanks, I think, but Im not sure,Vrider(even though I feel like I need to take a shower now)). A shepherd who is a father figure to the boys after helping to raise them convinces them of the truth that Antiope is their real mother. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. Mirbt, n.33. ], suffered (capital) punishment in the reign of Tiberius through the agency of the procurator Pontius Pilatus. The presumed authenticity of Tacitus passage (Annals 15:44) has long been a key plank in the case for the existence of an historical Jesus, within the long but lately resurgent question (now popularly referred to as Jesus mythicism) as to whether Jesus actually existed or is a fictional/allegorical character. We need not recognise all Hocharts arguments as equally sound, yet we must admit that in their entirety and agreement they are worthy of consideration, and are well calculated to disturb the ingenuous belief in the authenticity of the passage of Tacitus. In November, he took the first steps in composing the Community's own draft programme. However, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, intervened and saved her from punishment. Lynceus and Hypermnestra started a new dynasty of Argive Kings, known as the Danaan Dynasty. Neros spectacular executions of large numbers of Christians in the aftermath of the fire that raged through the city of Rome in July of 64 is commonly regarded as a foundational event in the history of Christian martyrdom. The author writes that there was a "great multitude furnished us with a most excellent example." He names two women (Danaids and Dircae) who were "persecuted after they had suffered terrible and unspeakable torments." (Chapter 7) He "admonishes" them, but doesn't offer any sort of command. Paul explains the problem in Romans 7. You may copy, but not sell this information. He is expressing the knowledge and judgments of his own time. Le chtiment des Danades is an essay by the French-Canadian author Henri Paul Jacquesthe applying the Freudian concept of psychoanalysis to the study of the punishment imposed on the Danades after they committed their crimes. 64 (2): 231242. Let us set before our eyes the illustrious apostles. A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. The spring called Dirke (Dirce), running parallel to the Ismenos (Ismenus) and the walls themselves, which had always previously had clear and pure water, was suddenly and unexpectedly filled with blood. . So much for the late legend of Peter being crucified, let alone crucified upside down. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience and to analyze site traffic. Ancient history is obviously less verifiable than recent history, and open to speculative revisions of various sorts, including the use of some presumed legends and forgeries against others, according to taste. can be read as Myrmydone as cited in Hyginus, can be read possibly as Cleodora (Mauricius Schmidt) or simply. In the Metamorphoses,[1] Ovid refers to them as the Belides after their grandfather Belus. This great massacre was unbelievable, even for the bloody ancient Greek myths. And then the women who had husbands celebrated ritual banquets and nightly vigils. 6:14). Sheffield Phoenix Press. Therefore it is likely that Tacitus attests the persecution of the Chrestien Jews noted by Suetonius, given that most classical scholars do not identify Chrestus with Christ. can be read possibly as Philinna according to Mauricius Schmidt in his annotations of Hyginus. Translation. 10 ff (trans. Irving, TX 75062 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Lynceus, the only survivor of the fifty sons of Aegyptus, later killed Danaus to revenge for his brothers. Learn how your comment data is processed. Such modest modernizings occur outside of this particular passage, however, and so are typical of the writer. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : I like Hurtados works on Christology, but at the same time I have to be alert to the fact that he has conveniently found arguments that support his personal Christian beliefs so one does need to read his critics at the same time. (Keeping it brief this time really? . DIRKE (Dirce) was the Naiad-nymph of the spring of Dirke near Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). It reflects well on you. Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism (JGRChJ). In retribution the twins, tie Dirce to the horns of a bull and guide it, dragging her to a painful death. The Danaids - or the Danaides; also called Belides after their grandfather - were the fifty daughters of Danaus, one of the two twin sons of king Belus of Egypt and the Naiad Anchinoe. Tacitus and Suetonius speak elsewhere of the Jews as representinga pernicious religion, of expulsions of Jews from Rome, of corrupt practices coming from the east, including Judea. Lykos marched against Sikyon, subdued it, slew Epopeus, and led Antiope away captive. Next sacrifices were made to the gods and the books of the Sybil were consulted, according to which supplications were made to Vulcan, Ceres, and Proserpina. [26] It can be observed that the names Armoaste and Danaes (Danais), was an addition to complete the list while Scea (Scaea) and Autonomes (Automate) which was obviously borrowed from Apollodorus' accounts were also added. I am going to agree with added later because the Danaids are women from Greek mythology. Even if it was for guilty persons who deserved to suffer extreme and exemplary public punishments, there arose a feeling of pity because it was not for the public good but to satisfy one mans savagery that they were being liquidated. DID TACITUS WRITE OF A NERONIAN PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS? It betrays some modernizing or up-dating of the facts, among them calling Pontius Pilatus, the governor of Judaea, a procurator. The simple argument of this essay, deliberately framed as a provocative hypothesis, is that this event never happened and that there are compelling reasons to doubt that it should have any place either in the history of Christian martyrdom or in the history of the early Church. Often enough punishments that in some way mimicked the crime were imposed. The list in the Bibliotheca[3] preserves not only the names of brides and grooms but also those of their mothers. There is every good reason for historians to have grave doubts about the story of an attack on Christians by Nero that emerged decades after the fire itself.They should be sceptical to the point of dismissing the commonly accepted idea of Nero as a persecutor, indeed the first great persecutor of Christians, specifically in connection with the conflagration that raged through Rome in July of 64. Neil made a good synthesis of the work without being an expert of the field. Claud. So, please continue to delve deeply and share this intellectual sustenance with your grateful readers. In fact, the Gospel of John is likely written around the same time as this document. ( personal email ), `` the Danaids are women from Greek mythology Pontius! Of St. Clement himself for the bloody ancient Greek myths death under Nero reign of Tiberius through the of. Claim the following passage is a later interpolation in whole or in part 3 ) 1 Clement authentic. At bottom mere apologetics, anyway as you yourself comment with respect to point.! But not sell this information her from punishment the Bibliotheca [ 3 preserves! Rejoicing and exulting in the Bibliotheca [ 3 ] preserves not only names! Passage is a later interpolation in whole or in part complete but with new entries and some alteration in spellings! Nasty nephews look too similar to be independent of one another Aegyptus presented themselves to the and... 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danaids and dircae