fibromyalgia urine smell

Try looking up "Phantosmia" to help you with what you are dealing with, because I am not clinically trained to deal with anything. Fibromuscular dysplasia appears most commonly in the arteries leading to the kidneys and brain. Its maddening, especially when trying to concentrate at work. The list of things to which I am sensitive is getting longer and longer. While urine odor may vary, it does not have a strong smell. But this, weird smelling smoke or whatever it is, has baffled the Medics i have gone to see. unusual bleeding or bruising. I tried to explain to my doctor about the anxiety. I just couldn't breathe through my nose and was getting worse. If you have fibromyalgia and think that your symptoms may indicate a problem with your urinary tract or pelvic area, consult with your doctor. and consult a functional medicine dr. My sense of smell is poor, before was very good and extremely sensitive, i'm over it. . this might sound odd but I complained my doctor about smell in urine. Periods of physical or emotional stress are common triggers for fibromyalgia. What is worse is that I am losing my appetite for food, because everything I eat tastes the same way - bland; it is just solid stuff in my mouth. Advertisement Urine that is under 5 pH is considered acidic, with urine measuring at 8 pH or higher is alkaline (basic). We have found that a 10 day course of a broad spectrum antibiotic knocks whatever it is down. Its caused me to have accidents. Morgan V. I can actually pee every 15 minutes. I thought some smokers were outside and the odor was being carried in via the ventilation system. I then remember going overboard more than usual then, so it was possibly in October and triggered off this problem and I have burnt incense on charcoal (more sensibly in 2015 without a problem. People with fibromyalgia often complain that they are very prone to experiencing side effects from most medicines. Oops! I spent over $50,000. I find have very poor smell but somethings i can smell and they'l stay lingering for ages like burnt in where as other things either very little smell or none at all. The summer they tarred the roof, I was very thankful for air conditioning. Me to! calicuddlebunny 1 yr. ago thank you, but gabapentin is not a sulfa drug. People with MCS have reactions to chemicals, not smells. I just can't work out what triggers it off. Fatigue or an overwhelming feeling of being tired. I later started to have the same dizziness in a doctors office and I noticed it would improve with open doors. I also have teenager stepdaughters that insist on having perfume all over their bodies. The problem is you don't always recognize the signals your body is giving you. I have the same problem but I smell my families friends grandpas pipe tobacco Capt. I'm wondering if it has something to do with too much mineral contact from the nuts. Plus I have a cough and clearing of my throat when I'm lying on my back. Did go to gp but was sent away non the wiser. We fell out about it and he threw a whole bottle on his fire. Really awkward to be certain places and be coughing and sniffling. You dont get to pollute mine. It started about 6-7 months ago when I had a persistent cough for about 2 months. I taste it in my foods even. They smelled a little strong to me but not that big of a deal. Yea, it was just me. Its gotten worse and Ive fallen over when I should have been able to save myself the one outside a friends house into her flower bed was the worst as she was shocked (doesnt really know what I have). Lisa B. The Fibromyalgia Bladder Index is a validated FM-specific instrument that captures information about the sensory bladder symptoms and their impact in this fibromyalgia population. andurinediabetes wine Urine contributes to groin odor and when an urinary tract infection exists then the urine odor can be extremely offensive. Copyright 2013-2023 All rights reserved. My asthma has returned and broncials feel inflamed. But to this day I still have strange smells in my nose. About the trick of smelling inside your shirt, I have resourced to that too. Methods: The diagnosis of fibromyalgia was made according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria. Hi, I'm sure after all this time you may have had this resolved but I had to signup on the off chance you haven't. It is a long-lasting or chronic condition, which results in various painful urinary-related symptoms. I just can't smell anything at all.! Urinary tract infection: Bacteria in the urinary tract can cause an infection along with smelly urine. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Its shocking to them and almost impossible to explain. this also led me to quit smoking since it smelt so foul so double win haha. Well, one more fibro symptom I have been having my entire life. Have you checked out this problem from a dental health perspective? I'm not supposed to use de-congestant sprays daily [every 6 hours], but do, because i get so blocked, i can't breathe. The surgery saved my life! I have the wood smoke smell and taste. It drives me crazy and find it hard to sleep. Similarly, whenever nearby offices were being painted, I would arrange to take vacation time not telling anyone that the smell of paint fumes was the reason. It doesnt keep me awake at night but its right there to meet me in the mornings. I try not to eat bread and fatty food and it seem like the smell disappears.. try this remedy and let us know.. A little internet research shows that are a number of people who are facing this issue. Brain cancer supposedly does that to the senses. The weirdest thing about all of this is what i'm about to tell you now.during this sensation of smelling these weird smells, when it gets un-bearable and tears are pouring out of my eyes, if i open the top of my T-shirt, bow down and put my face in there, the smell vanishes as soon as i breath inside the T-shirt. Then boom, a day, week. Fibro fog is the worst! I assumed this to be the cause since I am a smoker, but the smell was absolutely different from cigarette smoke and I legit thought something swa burning in my house, so who knows? Terms. Studies show that Mediterranean, vegetarian, low gluten, and low FODMAP diets may all help manage fibromyalgia symptoms. About a week and a half ago, my dog got bound up and when I checked she needed her tail end cleaned up. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A couple of times, I thought it was a certain drug I was taking cause when I stopped taking it, the smell stopped. When that happens everyone notices the sudden change and then asks whats wrong because I still look in shape or healthy. Katherine L. hen my body locks up suddenly, or when I cant get up off the sofa without making some embarrassing grunting noise. These may include, genetics, infections, and physical or emotional trauma. There's currently no cure, but there are things that can help. I especially loved cooking with herbs & spices Now I find this like trying to paint a picture blindfold - getting someone else to taste, check & otherwise refine dishes isn't the same. and had a 'tree' hung inside it. I have the same reactions to smell since childhood. I often wonder if people notice just how much effort it takes me to do these things. Terri S. A. This means that a doctor should be able to confirm: The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires medical documentation dating back 12 months related to the disease and may conduct interviews with relatives, friends, neighbors, and past employers to confirm the diagnosis. I dont eat ham but the smell in urine started after I had ham. I was sure I was the only one to have this problem. even 'feels' acrid. PS..the hotter it has got, the less the smell for some reason? Oh yes.. they will tell you its in your head but its not! Have you been able to find out anything? I too have fibro, and am very interested in this conversation uyo two are having (old though it may be). The 11 Most Common Candida Symptoms. I start to walk funny and it becomes very difficult to open doors, bend over etc. Other people detected some slight odor from these, but I was affected more strongly. I am now wondering if it is psychological, it is choking me, my eyes water, I sneeze, and cough. I thought it was just me, had no idea it was because of the fibro! working as expected?). I will note my new password down and this site to check it as to whether this has helped anyone. I had an exray of my lungs and they said it looked like cronic pulmanary lung disease. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Anyhoo! Regarding the burning smell mentioned earlier, this can be caused by an infection in the nostril. The weirdest thing for me, when my eyes start tearing up and can't bear it any longer, i pull open my t-shirt, put my face in there and breath air from there and it vanishes within seconds, the Dr's are baffled too, but works for me. Then boom, a day, week. Fibromyalgia on The Doctors Show The signs of urinary frequency are: feeling a constant or persistent urge to urinate difficulty "holding" urine going to the bathroom to urinate more than once during the night pelvic pain or pain on urination Urinary Urgency Urinary urgency is another symptom that is very common among patients with fibromyalgia. Which was a totally disgusting job. I am having the same problem except everything I smell is Rancid. And I am also super sensitive to body odors. Started a few weeks ago. I was unable to relax in that easy chair. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. When it strikes, I have to sit down immediately, regardless of where I am. Lisa T. Gastrointestinal issues. We just came back from a 14 day cruise to Noumea. The smell still remains now nearly 8 months on. It took a long time and was difficult but eventually the sensation went away. Narrowed arteries can reduce blood flow and affect the function of your organs. I just tried what you said. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Free and clear of all symptoms since that day! What a shame you can't enjoy the smells of your cooking. I hope this helps you realize that you are not going crazy. Maybe it's like my dad said going insane. Breathing in my t-shirt. I went for a private scan, Tommography. Like Im appropriately all dressed up and eager for a social gathering, then the feeling of discomfort kicks in with heavy sweating and light headedness due to the heat my body is perceiving. Home; Begin Continue reading Scary Symptoms 0 Can Cancer Cause a Chemical Smell in Urine? Keeping activity levels as even as possible provides the best outcome. I too got a cold around 6 years ago and like you visited doctors etc and got given sprays etc but got nowhere. Often causes are migraines and other such stress, or trauma as you may be undergoing, as well as numerous olfactory disorders. Bless his heart, hes learning right along with me. But I stopped using if for a week and the odor has only gotten stronger. Goodrays UK CBD gummies are packed with 25mg of premium quality CBD. One time I kept saying potatoes instead of donuts. They can also improve tiredness and boost mood in people with fibromyalgia. Hello. Fibro fog takes the cake for me. Hello Karbear..please dont feel depressedI have found 15 people so far in last couple of months.. we are here on facebook. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. (Or a nose on it, as the case may be:) Brocolli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts can cause an odor. I will mention that to my Dr next as i have nothing else. Click here to subscribe to the Fibromyalgia News Today Newsletter! i randomly ended up here while looking for answers to my own smell related problem. Fibromyalgia also carries a severe source of hypersensitivity to bright lights, odors, and loud sounds. My senses have become so amplified, but the strong smells were not expected. Good luck! Mold and fungus Ian the cause of smelling chemicals and amnia ,bleach ,methanol ,fumes ,pretos like formaldehyde smell and so on .It is aused also by bacteria.Your body is composed by good bacteria but when bad bacteria turns in and when you have an accumulation of solvents and chemicals in your body these onco-bactrias and fungus attached itself to the damaged tissue and make a room inside your switched off cells growing and reproducing like crazy ,it necessary doesn't cause cancer in short therm but in long terms causes cancer ,Alzheimer's and all chronic disease existent .Chemicals itself doesn't cause cancer it actually damages your immune system making it weak and unable to find infections and inflammation ,it also causes your tissues to die so patgens can infect the area and reproduce ,all diseases has an infection behind it ,cancer is an infection caused by various patgens which accumulates in dead cells and necrosed tissues .I cured my terrible nose smell after 3 years of hell and I can guarantee you it is caus d by fungus ,mold and bacteria . I don't know if the smell I am unable to rid my brain of is real or insanity. It's great if you can break those things down into candy sweet, or artificial air-freshener sweet, Fruity sweet.. and the more descriptive that you can be about it, the longer you can retain your sense of smell. You have good intentions of eating healthy but be careful not to overdo it. How many mgs did you take daily. unusual tiredness or weakness. Like a mental tennis match. Im all over the place at work and always burning up. Even though the symptoms of fibro (as well as some side effects of medication) may be totally out of your control, it can still be challenging to grapple with the physical, emotional and cognitive effects fibro can cause. If youre struggling with any of the following symptoms, know you are not alone. I start to walk funny and it becomes very difficult to open doors, bend over etc. MRI scans have shown nothing they didn't expect to see although I DO have a rare pituitary condition that started many years ago while this problem is fairly recent. Just wondered how things are now for you. I mentioned this to my Dentist and she said she'd heard or these "Olfactory Hallucinations" before, triggered by infection and inflammation. She started describing her symptoms: weird odors that no one else could smell (like burning plastic, ashes) and difficulty breathing when lying down. It started about 2 months ago. Woot woot. Well someone on here said something about just stopping antidepressants, which I also have done. People will be very concerned and ask whats wrong they just saw me and I was fine a day or just an hour ago. These strange odors that no one else smell usually come during highly stressed times, or during fibro flares. I've been to the ENT Doctor and he found nothing wrong. Just drink 30-40 oz of water a day ! Many of those who drink Kombucha Tea say that the tea has improved their Fibromyalgia problems. I'm also amazed how many people smell this Smoke. Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. Trimethylaminuria ('fish odour syndrome') Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. This may include: Other factors may trigger a fibromyalgia flare-up, including: People are at more risk of fibromyalgia if they have a rheumatic disease. He said he couldn't smell anything like what I described. And the smell has changed a little. I don't go dizzy or anything ,and no ear) feel like your ear is full of water and that I'm in a swimming pool (echoing). The stress of coping with a condition can also lead to anxiety and depression. My husband can't smell anything only me and i thought i would be the only one with such a strange issue. As a 23-year-old, people my own age can get annoyed by my needing to stop, and I will sometimes get questioning stares from older people or comments like youre too young to have those pains. I usually try to push myself as much as possible, but that only makes the pain worse when I finally do cave and take a break. Shelby C. The red rash I get on my neck from thin air. That is the cause of the smell in my case. Smelling weird smell is driving me nuts. Maybe yours just happened to go away when it did. The main symptoms of fibromyalgia are: Long-lasting, widespread pain throughout the body. If you notice a sudden onset of sweet-smelling urine, you. My aging mom is having problems again, so my sis & I were comparing notes. I also smell phantom smells like tobacco.. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about the best exercises for fibromyalgia here, Learn more about the importance of sleep in our dedicated hub, Learn more about which foods to limit or prioritize to manage fibromyalgia here,,,,,,, Children can have fibromyalgia, but it is more common in older adults. It is caused by a nerve in my back that send false messages to my brain saying my leg is burning. Another complaint often made by fibromyalgia patients is painful urination. A smell that i cannot recall. We'll keep this short and sweet: "Some people notice that they have a coffee smell to their urine after drinking coffee," Dr. Agarwal says. Which was not caused by an accident or strain. I moved into a house and all was well until it got cold. smell the same for me (the difference is intensity). I have been told that their anal gland give off a pungent strange odor. And is it still working? So I opened another tab and checked out any concerns around burning charcoal and incense. Pregnancy and Motherhood with Fibromyalgia. Hey, crickey, that's almost going the other way hey..! However, I had to share this informatioin as I know how scared I was before. Even though the symptoms of fibro (as well as some side effects of medication) may be totally out of your control, it can still be challenging to grapple with the physical, emotional and cognitive effects fibro can cause. I have severe migraines but I suffered from a concussion 2 years ago, but I noticed over the past 6 months the smell of damp cigarettes or old ashtrays or tobacco, first it was mainly at work. I'm so sorry you are experiencing such an unpleasant symptom. Its nearly as difficult to explain multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to someone unaffected by it as it is to explain fibromyalgia. You're just dehydrated from the medication. =) Now looking back, they should sell those by prescription only and put 3 days worth in a bottle. Too sick to pursue any further! Hi, i don't get the taste problem only the weird smelling sensation. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals. I know i'm not alone, many others suffer these symptoms too. If urine becomes highly concentrated a high level of waste products with little water your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. THank you. Since going to a Counsellor now for 3 months [2 months ago], i have never felt so happy, balanced and enjoying life to it's fullest for such a long time. These signals don't come in words; they come in the form of organic molecules and complex interplays between them. Im no longer alone with my overactive nose. My stomach problems interfere with my life constantly. Fibromyalgia is a complicated illness thats not well understood. Fibromyalgia symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain can be tied to your environment. sounds like multi chemical's a reaction to cumulative enviornmental chemical toxins. I also smell wood stove Smoke and taste it. It use to be undeniable cigarette smoke and now it's just smokey, dusty, hard to describe and there is a dry feeling with it in the back of my throat and nose. I sometimes go days without eating because of it. Melissa G. IBS [irritable bowel syndrome] and all the loveliness. People will be very concerned and ask whats wrong they just saw me and I was fine a day or just an hour ago. Health conditions, medications, supplements, the food you eat, and dehydration can all affect the smell of your urine. Blessings! I read up about nasal polyps and saw a specialist. The problem was that it was progressing every month. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. I always work through every problem, i'm my own problem solver usually and that has got me through life, but this it rules my life when it comes on. I am really surprised something triggered the connection between what has just happened over the past week that happened in a similiar way on one occasion in 2014. We avoid using tertiary references. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". Fibromuscular dysplasia is a condition that causes narrowing (stenosis) and enlargement (aneurysm) of the medium-sized arteries in your body. I bring special earplugs to gatherings, had to leave several places invited to hear music, unbearable even with plugs. I haven't smelled it yet today and it's nearly 9.00 AM, woke at 6 am. fibromyalgia urine smell Doctors do not know what is the cause of Fibromyalgia, but it likely involves a number of factors working together. I have been dealing with this for 20 years. Treating fibromyalgia flares can be tricky. What I found that is that the receptors in the brain are off or not communicating due to that sensors in your brain are sending the wrong signals to activate to act. However, medication and lifestyle changes can help treat fibromyalgia and reduce the likelihood of flares. So the zinc and magnesium is not the answer. There are a wide variety of urinary tract problems and pelvic symptoms that can accompany your fibromyalgia. Hi, I have been getting this for years now. Its caused me to have accidents. Morgan V. I can actually pee every 15 minutes. unconscious. Almost near constant twitches, some of which are. There are several different odors which I cannot really compare or describe but they are all "Putrid" and make me feel sick. I used them for 10 days of it and tried to give them up. Many also have problems with incontinence (inability to hold urine) and urinary retention (inability to pass urine). Only later that night I could still smell it. 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fibromyalgia urine smell