god walked with adam and eve in the garden

14Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.. In other words, man had a physical body made from the ground. The problem with this claim is that youll never find a Bible verse that teaches it. who knows perhaps it was. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Gen 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. Of course, since God is capable of making physical appearances, but we need to be careful not to assert that the Bible directly teaches this. Here is a portion of what I wrote on page 72 of my book, Fallen. First it should be recognised that Genesis is a seed box if you want details you need to keep reading. In a similar way, we are told in the New Testament to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). Adam and Eve. How beautifully expressive are these words of the familiar and condescending manner in which He had hitherto held intercourse with the first pair. As I mentioned in the conclusion of the article, it is certainly possible that the Lord walked with Adam and Eve, and if He did, then it may well have been the preincarnate Christ who walked with them. We know that God is capable of doing this, but >>my point< OK, so does the Bible state or imply that He didnt walk with Adam & Eve BEFORE they sinned? can you show me when i can get the ideas? So, it is not a far stretch to suppose that God and Adam might have walked together in the Garden, if not regularly, else why would God have gone to the trouble to create a garden and put man into it, if not to have a direct relationship. It does not say that God drove Adam and Eve, or the man and the woman, out of the Garden of Eden. They hide among the trees. But what does it really matter, what appears to have happened here (according to some of the responses) is that golden calves have been kicked over and religion has taken a bump on the shins. That would be really cool. They had all they could ever want. I would be with this item all day and be close to me at nite. Before He came to earth two thousand years ago, Jesus appeared at various times in the Old Testament in a physical form. They are not taking a leisurely stroll with God, they are hiding from Him as He comes to announce His judgment. constant) communication with God (e.g., the angel in Daniel 10:13 who was withstood by the prince of Persian for 21 days until Michael came to help him). And therefore, it seems to me familiarity was brought about by regular communion/ communication/ visits from the Lord. The untold truth of the Garden of Eden. The Bible doesnt tell us how old Cain was when he murdered his brother, but it does give us a potential clue. As a father communes with His children, so does the Creator with His created beings (Psalm 103:13). Could Adam and Eve have actually taken walks with God in the Garden? god wanted to walk (live) with them in an ongoing and fruitful relationship and the whole book of Leviticus shows them how to correctly walk with god. These include appearances to Abraham, Hagar, Moses, Joshua (Joshua 5:13), Gideon (Judges 5:12), and the wife of Manoah (Judges 13:3). The term used to explain this and other episodes is anthropomorphism (human-forms). They are intelligent, rational creatures, capable of communicating and worshiping God. Its the generous support of our ministry partners that enables us to continue our eternity-shaping work. Do you think the lord actually cares if pastors are saying Adam and Eve did walk with God? He was given power and authority by Father God to create the universe and all life within it. How cool would that be! Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. However, God could have manifested himself as a human being, but this would not be the glorious spirit being that he actually is. Seems to me there was plenty of interaction & communication between Adam (& Perhaps Eve) and God. Haha very eye opening. This just isnt found in the text and seems very unlikely in light of the details given in the post. It is a special, peaceful garden oasis God created as a home for Adam and Eve (and maybe also Lilith) where their two jobs were to give animals names . Because we are made in Gods image, we are called to image God. But its an irrelevant point. Part of the commission to rule over creation would have included the need to study it and figure things out. With that in mind, I would disagree with you on the reason you give for why God came to the garden that day. Gods presence is also noted by his walking in the camp and sanctuary of Israel. Your email address will not be published. Then God shared his thoughts to Abraham of judging Sodom and Gomorrah. What does it even mean? Thats correct, and I write about that in my book, Fallen. Hi Nucc, they heard him rebuke them. It is definitely possible that the person in the Garden was the preincarnate Christ. As I mentioned in my conclusion, God certainly could have taken taken strolls with Adam and Eve, but the Bible does not directly teach this, and I have my doubts about it. To spend time with Him. The difficulties of translation, plus inevitable translator bias, can complicate getting a true understanding. I would assume that they drank goats milk during this time as well. by Erik Jones. Lastly, as scripture verifies scripture, we see the second Adam, known as Jesus Christ in regular and perpetual contact with the same God and Father. Adam did hear Gods voice at another time. No, the One they were hiding from was one they were familiar with walking in the garden. And a good place to start is The Garden of Eden. And maybe that is it, people just want to believe they they did as that is such a powerful feeling knowing God is walking with you. Many people assume that this one verse is symbolic, as . I agree with your conclusion that we should not assume that God was at Adam and Eves beck and call, coming around for a stroll whenever they wanted Him there, or that God spent considerable time fellowshipping with them in physical form as friends do. This is stated in the incident where Moses disobeyed by striking the rock instead of speaking to it (Numbers 20:1011). Hi Bob, So Adam hears a sound, which he knows is the sound of God. So what did they hear in the Garden? All of the things you mentioned are plausible, but they do not build a watertight argument. With this particular issue, the reason I addressed it is because I hear it so frequently. 12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death was passed on to all men, because all sinned. So again, lets not be naive to think that God didnt spend time with them! I have been following the comments on this article for several years, and I want to say how much I appreciate your kind and faithful answers. Hi Robert, If He did or didnt is still and can always be up for discussion , its a gut instinct in me that says no but at the end of the day Im just glad Im saved and can sort it out when I get to Heaven! He knew good because he once served God; he then knew evil because he committed evil in his rebellion from the Father. In God's sight they are like filthy rags. I appreciate your effort Tim, thank you. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the afternoon; and both Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the garden. But there is no need to make the text outright say something it does not, in fact, outright say. Man, this helped challenge me to really read through the scriptures on this topic. This walking refers to living a life that pleases God. God called (using a Hebrew word that also means "to summon") Adam to face . Lets consider this for a moment? What if they were some sort of Spiritual Being as God and his Son were at the time. I dont recall a specific instance of this, but since the promised land was repeatedly spoken of as a land flowing with milk and honey, I take that to mean that their flocks would thrive and they would have an abundance of milk (in addition to honey and more). Then something happened. They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 18? So if we can claim that they walked with God in perfect communion before sin, then we can stress how bad sin is because we dont get to do that anymore. It says, "they heard the sound of God walking in the garden", and, " they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord. The natural connotation, to me, is that God often did this, perhaps daily in the cool of the day, but what was remarkable this time was that man was afraid, because he had sinned. Its encouraging to know that my words have been very helpful for you. Im not saying this is true, Im just pointing out that scripture does not say skins of animals or that God killed animals to clothe them. Adam was ashamed to stand before God as he was now a sinner who was about to face his righteous God. In conclusion, the whole of chapter 2 & 3 causes me to conclude that Adam regularly communed with God somehow; and to me probably daily (or at least almost) since we know we are the apple of His eye. the Bible states that the man (species) was driven out of the Garden of Eden. Tim, thanks for striking the axe at the root of this human imagined concept. The Lord God Walking in the Garden. 10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden. Thank you for your post and your diligence to pursuing Biblical accuracy! So I wouldnt personally address this part of Adam walking with God or not unless the message was ill. Hi Bryan, And how many times is this a supporting argument for a main point or the main point itself? This would have been after God made Eve and Adam awoke and uttered the words in Genesis 2:23. God goes to great lengths to explain how he wants the relationship to be. Can a whirlwind fulfill those processes? Hello! Adam and Eve enjoyed a relationship with God, and with each other, that was unhindered by the disruptive power of sin. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Then brought Eve to him. If God was in spirit form hiding would make no sense, how can you hide from someone you cant see? In the plain reading of Genesis 1-3, we learn that God created the first two people: Adam and Eve. Hi Tom, I looked in Genesis, Psalms and even searched for New Testament references. For example, Enoch walked with God (Genesis 5:22, 24) and Noah walked with God (Genesis 6:9). Its not that the inferences are necessarily wrong, its that they should not be mistaken for the Word of God. Another potential source for this idea is found in the statements made about those who did walk with God. I think your criticism of my article misses the mark. In fact, nearly as soon as the Lord have man the woman they went together directly to the forbidden tree (as soon as God turned aside to rest from all the work of His creation) they were tempted, took the fruit and ate it. However, many scholars believe the best way to explain the image of God is to think of it as a verb. Walking with God means you are in agreement with Him and His ways ( Amos 3:3 ). God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden where grew the tree of life. Genesis 3:8, CSB: Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and they hid from the Lord God . As my case shows and many of the comments here show, man created truth is powerful over our minds. I dont think it was a mystery to themat least not completely. But your claim is based on only such a narrow standard. So there is no need to appeal to some sort of walk in the garden for them to know Gods voice. And they heard the sound of the Lord God, walking in the garden. I plan to search through it much more. Genesis 3:8. Genesis 2:19 Thanks for caring about biblical accuracy. Some people have inferred from this statement that they must have known what it sounded like to hear God walk in the Garden so they must have walked with Him before. But Im not arguing that this is how He did appear. It also seems to assume that they were in the garden for quite a while when they almost certainly were not there for long at all. I suppose so, but seems illogical, Hi Daniel, I can see that cool of the day can be also be breath, spirit, or wind. September 13, 2019. Suggestions include that it means we are made as rational creatures that can communicate with and worship God, or that we have been given dominion, or that we will live forever. Maybe He was physically there throughoutthe short time that they were in the Garden, but I have my doubts. It says that he went to the land of Nod and then she conceived a son (Enoch). He was there, He is everywhere and He was always with them. I believe one of the biggest weapons used against it is when secular opponents are more aware of the accuracy of the passages like this than we Christians who misuse and misquote them. Psalm 29 also uses strong imagery to show how the sound of the Lord acts upon nature like a powerful storm, breaking and bending trees and stripping off their leaves (Psalm 29:59, NET). But I am very clear in the post that I have no problem with the notion that they might have walked with Him. Genesis 3:8 Context. However, the walk in these passages should probably be understood in a figurative sense. I too feel in my sosirt that God did not walk physically. Just because Adam and Eve had no sin they still were not privileged to seeing God in physical form. If you want to believe they did, thats totally fine with me. There are warnings in Scripture about adding to it. There are many, many Christians who have heard and taught that Adam and Eve physically took walks with God in the garden before they sinned. Did they do this daily, weekly, etc.? Second, Eve was made from Adams rib (or more accurately side), indicating that they both had physical bodies (Genesis 2:21). The main point of this entire post is to encourage Christians to look closely at Scripture, so that they will stop saying, The Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God or something very similar. Hi Tim. You could be hiding with the Lord standing (figuratively speaking)right in front of them, and they wouldnt know. He gives them clothes in Verse 21 because the evil deed, of eating from . Genesis 3:21 comes after Genesis 3:7, in which Adam and Eve ate from the Tree and realized they were naked. Thanks for your comments. The complete bible account of the story of Adam and Eve can be found in Genesis 1:26 to Genesis 5:5. They were not merely spiritual beings at that point. These were things i highly cherished. Please do look it up, and if you find it, let me know, so I can apologize and correct this post. While its true they could have been over 120 years old when Cain killed Abel, they also could have been any age from very young up to 120+. The idea that one could walk with God, after all, had been a possible reality only once before, in Genesis 3:8, where Adam and Eve hear "the sound of the Lord God walking about in the garden." Adam and Eve were called to a radical intimacy with God, one that they forfeited through their sin, which resulted in their expulsion from Eden and . ( Genesis 3:13-15) When looking at Genesis 3:13-15, there is no direct indication that the serpent had legs, only that its curse would be "on your belly you shall go.". It doesn't come before, which furthers the notion that God would have been content with them being without clothes, at least provided they didn't eat from the Tree. Again, in Gen 3:24, we see that God drove the man out of the Garden of Eden. Our hearts were reformed for this exact purpose. Ed, First, we are told that God made man from the dust of the ground, and he didnt become a living being until God breathed the breath of life into him (Genesis 2:7). The serpent Satan asked her how she was doing. Im always amazed at how strongly some people try to defend certain positions. Adam and eve Adam and eve disobey god hiding footprints The Presence Of God Guilty Fear Hearing God's Voice Garden Of Eden, The Gardens Concealment . Thanks for this article, it was an interesting read. Behold we shall not sow,nor gather in our increase: now look at 21 Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year and it shall bring forth fruit for 3 years 22 and you shall sow the 8th year and eat of the old fruit until the 9th year until the fruits come in. What does it mean for God to walk with them? The Tree-of-Life was in the middle of the garden, also the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil. The problem with this scenario is that Adam and Eve were almost certainly not in the Garden very long. It bothers me that I have believed the Bible stated this, and that I have told other people it says this for so long, and I have read the first three chapters of Genesis so many times. God's presence is also noted by . " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word . Blessings! It is also the case that Adam and Eve had been commanded by God to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth" (Genesis 1:28). You may be reaching for your Bible right now to prove me wrong. Could Adam and Eve have actually taken walks with God in the Garden? Also, when Adam and Eve were created, I dont believe they were automatically filled with knowledge as how to take care of themselves, the animals, the garden,etc They may have done that, and I wouldnt have any problem with it. Hi Robert, All the details of exactly how god walked with them are so plain to see that blind Freddy can see it. In this environment, Adam and Eve had safety, abundant food, meaningful work and fellowship with God. Some people have inferred from this statement that they must have known what it sounded like to hear God walk in the Garden so they must have walked with Him before. The old has . 9 And JEHO. Moses was only granted the backside of Jesus. They and their children would experience sickness, pain, and physical death. This saddens me. But there is so much more to the story. Gen 18 - Abraham's discussion and bargaining with the LORD (YHWH) Ex 3 - Moses at the burning bush. Every description used can also be said about the angelic beings. for details. The Man came alivea living soul! I have no problem with the concept of Adam and Eve walking with God and seeing Him. Not all of the time of course, how else would they have rebelled against Him. Thanks again for reading! This month we will look at Bible texts from Genesis to Revelation to reflect on what it means to walk with God. (Gen. 3:8) Adam is placed in the garden to "cultivate (abad)" and "keep (samar)" it (Gen 2:15). I think your comments were probably addressing this point though (http://midwestapologetics.org/blog/?p=1747). But there is no need to make the text say something it doesnt. We do see God speaking to both of them in Genesis 1:2830 when He blessed them and told them to be fruitful and multiply and told them to eat vegetation. Verse Concepts. It seems from Scripture that they lived on manna exclusively. If you must doubt something, I think you would have to doubt that. They consisted of both physical and spiritual components, just like all of their descendants, although originally they were without sin. Beyond that, the Bible does not tell us about any communication between our first parents and God until after the fall. So I will get rid of the statement being discussed here. God Arraigns Adam and Eve. It is very possible that the angelic beings are also made in the image of God. Due to the craftiness of the serpent, sin found its way into the Garden and everything fell apart. One of those commandments was as follows: "And the LORD God gave this command to Adam: 'You may freely eat from every tree in the garden, except you must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of . After all, they had not experienced or seen death as of yet. Hi Tim Where is the specific support for this argument found anywhere in the scriptures? . Maybe they did, but the text doesnt tell us that. I dont really hear anyone saying, The Bible says Adam and Eve never walked with God in the garden, but if I did, then Id correct that as well. Because the Bible never says that Adam and Eve walked with God. Hi Warren, If used in this sense, Adam and Eve did "walk" with God prior to sin because there was no fracture in their relationship with God. And I think a strong case can be made for the notion that they werent in the garden very long at all. In fact, they didn't even know what want and longing were! But this goes beyond them, it goes back to Adam and Eve.Adam and Eve had the privilege of being with God, the way that God had intended. Hi Janice, They hid when they heard God; however it was that they heard Him. The first consequence of Adam and Eve's momentous decision to reject God's revelation was a . Sin Of Walking. Mentions of Eden are also made in the Bible elsewhere in Genesis, in Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3; Zechariah 14 and Ezekiel 47 use paradisical imagery without naming Eden. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much You love us.' . Even if this translation is accurate, which is debatable, it does not say that they walked with God. The same two words are translated elsewhere . And in Genesis 3:10 Adam heard that familiar sound (be it foot steps, voice, wind or otherwise) & hid. 9 GOD made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat. The only time we see Eve converse with God in Scripture is after she ate the fruit and hid with Adam among the trees of the garden. We speak of ourwalk with God, yet dont speak of Him being right there physically. The animals possess none of these characteristics, at least not to the same degree as man, so these seem like strong possibilities for what it means to be made in Gods image. They probably werent in the garden for very long at allperhaps just a few days to a few weeks. They walked and talked with God. Its not like Genesis 5:24 (Enoch walked with God) or Genesis 6:9 (Noah walked with God). I know when I say that Adam walked with God in the Garden, I mean to say that God spent time with them, not literally walking in the garden, God doesnt walk, He is Spirit! My main point is that we dont go around saying that the Bible says that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden, because that just isnt in there. It means closeness, intimacy, communion. God had told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). They heard God's approach as a terrible wind that lashed the trees of the garden, and they took cover. Dont you think that Adam and Eve being new and first created that God would have been extremely close to them ? 1:26 to Genesis 5:5 created truth is powerful over our minds like filthy rags Son Enoch... Disobeyed by striking the axe at the time of course, how can you show me when I apologize... Verse that teaches it challenge me to really read through the scriptures this. I have no problem with the notion that they drank goats milk during time. Think you would have been after God made all kinds of trees grow from the ground then she a. Not like Genesis 5:24 ( Enoch ) a narrow standard who was about to face you... 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god walked with adam and eve in the garden