list of indigenous trees in kenya

Kamba children are typically named after specific events, people, or times of birth. Please keep in touch for inquiries and delivery in this no. A CHECK-LIST OF INDIGENOUS TREES AND SHRUBS OF BURA, T ANA RIVER DISTRICT, KENYA WITH MALAKOTE, ORMA AND SOMALI NAMES F.N. The Spanish tamarind is a shrub that grows up to 2 to 15 meters tall. Thanx for reminding me some of the trees and their scientific names. There is no shortage when it comes to flowers that are native to Africa. Avocado, Mango, Pawpaw etc. Vodou: An African-based religion practiced primarily in Haiti and in other Central and South American countries. am a lover of nature since my childhood and am persuing a nature science degree in kenya. Native Trees. Both pastoralists and hunter-gatherers face land and resource tenure insecurity, poor service delivery, poor political representation, discrimination and exclusion. The forest is. The FKF Nursery, located near Amani Garden adjacent to the River Caf, nurtures nearly 100 000 indigenous seedlings from 70 different species of trees and shrubs indigenous to Kenya's upland forests . Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it. The trees grow the fastest in warm climates, but they only live for about 20 to 30 years. Read the full text about the countries in the newest version of The Indigenous World. Recently recognized as a tribe in the country, the Asian community in Kenya has numerous members. Exotic wildlife species in Kenya. In addition, the tribesmen are skilful in making mats, roofing, fishing, and weaving baskets. The shrub is drought tolerant and well adapted to a variety of soil, thus listed as least concern by the IUCN. The supply of softwoods is adequate for local needs, both for building and other purposes. The tribe members are mostly nomadic pastoralists as well as agrarians. Fast growing timber trees e.g. The Teso people have resided in both Kenya and Uganda since the scramble and partition of Africa. The tribe comprises 8 distinct groups with varying beliefs, dialects, and cultures. With their identifiable stripes, zebras are one of the most well-known and beloved Kenyan animals. Oak - the mighty oak of the forest 10. The chameleon is used in the international pet trade . Hazel - a tree with an ancient history 1. Scots pine - one of the best native Irish trees 7. Even though Kenya is among the most multi-ethnic states in East Africa, only a few tribes dominate its total population. The chief softwoods are podo, cedar, and cypress. When I worked there long ago there was an extensive card index of local names matched to identified herbarium specimens in the old East African Herbarium probably now part of the museum in Nairobi. Mpaga is a climbing shrub which has a trunk of up to 8 meters tall. One of the advantages of pines is that they are long-lived and can reach ages of between 100 and 1000 years or even longer. These contiguous, non-linear, and usually monospecific tree management units may be extremely small, with 10 trees . 69 Cuckooshrikes 70 Old World orioles 71 Wattle-eyes and batises 72 Vangas, helmetshrikes, and allies 73 Bushshrikes and allies 74 Drongos 75 Monarch flycatchers 76 Shrikes 77 Crows, jays, and ravens 78 Hyliotas 79 Fairy flycatchers 80 Tits, chickadees, and titmice 81 Penduline-tits 82 Larks 83 Nicators 84 African warblers 85 Cisticolas and allies The Orma people live in Eastern Kenya, mainly along the lower parts of the Tana River. Annual Report 2003. The importance of an indigenous tree to southern African communities with specific relevance to its domestication and commercialization: a case of the marula tree Neo C. Mokgolodi, You-fang Ding, Moffat P. Setshogo, Chao Ma & Yu-jun Liu Forestry Studies in China 13 , 36-44 ( 2011) Cite this article 406 Accesses 16 Citations Metrics Abstract The Rendille people are a Cushitic-speaking ethnic community living in Kenya's northern Eastern areas. Utilization and Medicinal Value of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables Consumed in Urban and Peri-Urban Nairobi Bioline (Available here: Over-exploitation has made it rare. The large semi-aquatic rodent is native to South America but is nominated by IUCN as one of the "100 of the World's Worst invaders. The Markahamia is a top indigenous ornamental tree in the region. As a result, the tribe is largely underdeveloped with wanting literacy levels. Grevillea is one of the most important trees to grow, and be planted in the tropical highlands of East and Central Africa. Beautiful Chameleons are often seen in the undergrowth. Additionally, Kalenjins are the fourth largest ethnic group in the country. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. my name is james mwasaha nguma, am fron nairobi am the chairmain of vison development self help group. VernacularNames of Medicinal Plants of Kenya /Tiba Asili SACCO Society Ltd, JAN, 2011 1 VERNACULAR NAMES OF MEDICINAL PLANTS OF KENYA 1. It starts to flower within the first six months of planting. The plant is native to tropical Africa and is found in Kenya, as well as Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Somalia.The mpaga plant belongs to the passionflower family. The Maasai community of East Africa uses the plant as a medicine for their cattle. What you need to know. The buzzing business centre by day turns into a vibrant entertainment centre by night. With over 40 tribes, Kenya's ethnic diversity is among its definitive aspects. Even though it is considered an invasive species, it has not been observed to invade intact habitats and does not displace native flora. Eucalyptus refers to a genus that has more than 700 species of flowering trees and shrubs. Our Gods live there. Read more. It has also prevented them from having a voice to inform and influence cultural and political governance and development policies and processes, due to unequal power relations at both basic and national levels . Leaves have an alternate arrangement and are triangular in shape. The Ameru predominantly reside on the northeastern slopes of Mount Kenya. Maybe that made the holiday carbon neutral? We planted trees on behalf of the community to address issues of conservation and address issues of food security through agroforestry to conserve the environmental and increase food produce. The Tharaka tribespeople are agrarians, mainly rearing goats, cows, cereals crops, sunflowers, and cotton. Teso is a Nilotic tribe closely resembling the Maasai, Turkana, and Samburu. Nubi people are common in urban setups that include Eldama-Ravine and Nairobi. For example, in Kakamega District, in Western Kenya bordering Lake Victoria (see Fig 1), woodlots are almost always dominated by Eucalvptus saligna while in Murang'a District in Central Kenya, they are dominated by Acacia mearnsii. Lex has since left a comment about this on an earlier blog post of mine. Kikuyu is Kenya's largest tribe. The tribe has strongly upheld its culture and have long maintained the Sunni Islam religion despite influence from their neighbours. Download the 2016 yearbook article on indigenous peoples in Kenya to learn about major developments and events during 2015. The tribe comprises 8 distinct groups with varying beliefs, dialects, and cultures. The tribe communicates in the Kimbeere dialect that has a close resemblance to the Kikuyu and Embu languages. IPGRI.ICRAF. The Luhya people, also called Baluhya, Abaluyia, or Abaluhya, are among the largest tribes of Kenya. A significant portion of the Tharaka people reportedly lives in urban setups, while the rest lead busy lives in villages. Separate plants have the male and female flowers. Here are the nine subtribes of the Mijikenda. The Konso tribe is also called Xonsita. The Kore people reside on Lamu Island on the northern coastline of Kenya. They are among the most common forest trees. A sample size was 30% of the target . recently explored the best Nairobi clubs where one can hang out. 1996. The Kikuyu, also known as Agikuyu or Gikuyu, wield massive economic and political influence in Kenya. They speak a language called Yaakunte. With average of 10-15 m and 30-70 cm, it can grow fast. The tribe identifies with Christianity and Muslim, with a few people sticking to their traditional religion. The indigenous peoples in Kenya include hunter-gatherers such as the Ogiek, Sengwer, Yaaku Waata and Sanya, while pastoralists include the Endorois, Turkana, Maasai, Samburu and others. To the tune of about 30,000 seedlings when we visited him.1. Pumpkin leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference 11. Answers (1) The map below shows the physical region of Kenya . The Walwana can be predominantly found in Bomet county. No Specific Legislation on Indigenosu peoples in Kenya. This plant has medicinal value and it contains a compound named Barakol. Chapter Four of the Kenyan Constitution contains a progressive Bill of Rights that makes international law a key component of the laws of Kenya and guarantees protection of minorities and marginalized groups. It states that community land consists of land lawfully held, managed or used by specific communities as community forests, grazing areas or shrines and that it includes ancestral lands and lands traditionally occupied by hunter-gatherer communities. The disappearance of indigenous trees such as African wild olive, cedar, red stinkwood and nandi flame, was not just a blow to biodiversity but also to the Kipsigis' way of life. Kenya. Its variation in altitude and climate restricts the plants to some habitats where the conditions favor their growth and survival. Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Abstract. The Gabra are predominantly camel-herding nomads occupying the northeastern part of Kenya. The tribe occupies two counties (Kisii county and Nyamira county). Required fields are marked *, All content from Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog, Powered byWPtouch Mobile Suite for WordPress, January 8, 2010 29 comments. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Johansson!, G.M. All these subtribes speak a unique dialect of the Kimeru language. Interesting facts about tribes in Kenya. They are concentrated in the southern provinces in Ethiopia, with sizeable settlements in Harar. In Kenya, the peoples who identify with the indigenous movement are mainly pastoralists and hunter-gatherers, as well as some fisher peoples and small farming communities. Thanks! Plants suffuescent ramified, glabrous, about 30cm to 2.4m high; bud straight; lamina oval-oblong pointed or acuminate, bright green, margin sineuse; petiole 4-10cm long. The leaves have oil glands, and their sepals and petals are fused to form a cap over the stamens. The marula tree, or 'Sclerocarya Birrea', only grows in one area on the entire planet - the warm, frost-free regions of subequatorial Africa. Kisii land supports vibrant agricultural practices thanks to its fertility and the adequate rain in the region. The Gosha people are bilingual, fluent in Oromo and Garre-Ajuuraan. Their barks can range from fibrous, smooth, and hard to stringy. The tree is thought to have originated from South America and then spread across the world, Kenya included. Leaves occur in rotundates, and are dark green above and paler beneath, with a stalk of 5 to 10 millimeters long. Red Stinkwood (aka Prunes' africana) Used for fevers, malaria, wound dressing, arrow poison, stomach pain, purgative, kidney disease, appetite stimulant, gonorrhoea, and insanity. IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting, protecting and defending Indigenous Peoples rights. There are four species of these trees, and they all originated from South Africa. Indigenous Fruit Trees and Nutrition in Kenya Women marcotting a fruit tree. It is also referred to as the drumstick tree, horseradish tree, or ben oil tree. The only mammal listed as invasive in Kenya is the Coypu rat ( Myocastor coypus ). This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. A term used generally to refer to indigenous religions that believe in an unseen spirit world that influences human affairs. Bullfighting is still an iconic sport amongst the tribe. It is commonly planted as a boundary tree around the perimeter of small farms, in a single row at 2-2.5 m spacing. Even then, the Suba people hold fast to their ancient identity in terms of culture and dialect. The IIchamus are conservative people with industrious members who fish and rear animals. "When we first came, all the trees were exotic, non-native species, like cypress, wattle, eucalyptus and pine. They are also coniferous resinous, meaning they produce resin, a highly viscous substance that can be converted into polymers. 2. Since they can grow rapidly even in marginal lands, they are a prime candidate for afforestation and carbon sequestration and other climate change mitigation strategies. The study applied a cross-sectional survey research design with a target population of 130 household heads in farmlands, 13 local leaders, 20 tree nursery owners and 10 forest officers. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi. Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in Kenya, Lamborghini Urus: Kenyans Stunned as KSh 40 Million SUV Is Spotted in Mombasa, Brian Peppers' death tragic life and addiction struggles, Netizens React to Netflix's Kenyan Film Disconnect 2 Featuring Kate Actress, Tokodi: "Good Actors, Bad Script", Who is Hannah Waddingham's husband? Box 20412, Nairobi, Kenya S.G. The male has the distinctive feature of two 'saw blade'-like false horns. The Samburu have kept their cultural practices with little influence from their lifestyles. Thanks for this information, and very best of luck in your efforts. National Museums of Kenya/Coastal Forests . The Kenya Forest Authorities and Conservation Programs work hard to ensure the survival of these native plants by protecting their habitats and keeping a stock of their seeds. It is common to find these trees grown as live fences in Kenya. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, Kenya Animals Animals That Live in Kenya, Meet 12 Incredible Conservation Heroes Saving Our Wildlife From Extinction, India's Leopard God, Waghoba, Aids Wildlife Conservation In The Country, India's Bishnoi Community Has Fearlessly Protected Nature For Over 500 Years, Wildfires And Habitat Loss Are Killing Jaguars In The Amazon Rainforest, In India's Sundarbans: Where People Live Face-To-Face With Wild Tigers, Africa's "Thunderbird" Is At Risk Of Extinction. Kenya is a land of great diversity in its people and cultures. The Kenya Forestry authorities keep some of its plantations and its seeds. Wych elm - the only native elm in Ireland 3. People also cultivate it for its fruits. A common reason for practicing agroforestry is for enhancing soil fertility to improve the productivity of tree and food crops on the same farm field (ICRAF, 2000).In Ethiopia, managing multipurpose trees such as Cordia africana, Millettia ferruginea, Albizia gummifera, Croton macrostachyus and Erythrina brucei is widely adopted by farmers as a dominant feature of agricultural landscapes . Julia. Hey, could you help me with names of those trees (they are all used for building dhows in Kenya): muangati, nguvi, kelekele, nimhtree, mugambo, bambaro. Grevy's zebras have larger ears and more stripes than other zebras. You may find most of the indigenous tree species in this databases. Dutchman's breeches ( Dicentra cucullaria): zones 3 to 7. Other vegetables had the wrong spelling. Podocarpus makes sense, but that Mukima didnt look much like Grevillea (although actually the seedlings were very small and I wouldnt know anyway). Please be specific Western community is a very vague term ebem if one is from Kenya. Pelargonium culallatum (wild malva) - The leaves of this plant diffused into a tea can be used to treat stomach disorders. Like several other Bantu ethnic groups, the Ameru live in a vibrant agricultural land. Belonging to the Nilo-Saharan family, Maasai people communicate in Maa dialect and reside in southern Kenya and northern parts of Tanzania. Acacia melanoxylon Kanunga A better part of the Swahili language has origins in the Arabic dialect. Ash - a traditional woodland species 2. Here are the types of trees we plan in Kenya: Related blog: These are all the countries where we plant trees. A small, fast-growing mimosoid (flowering) tree, considered for biomass production. This is a list of Southern African trees, shrubs, suffrutices, geoxyles and lianes, and is intended to cover Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Jack-in-the-pulpit ( Arisaema triphyllum): zones 4 to 9. The Bajuni people speak Kitikuu, a dialect of the Swahili language. Apart from tree seedlings,we also have succulents, types of grass, flowers, herbs and spices, water plants, ground covers, fruits, ornamental and ceremonial trees. Melia Mukowe The bulk of the forest estate (200 million ha) support the indigenous forests which provide protective functions as well as yielding wood of high commercial value. According to recent statistical findings, the tribe's population is more than 80,000 people. . The Kalenjin tribe is renowned globally for its excellent record in multiple athletics competitions. Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Anyway, after some searching around, Hilda (for that is her name) came across Mr Douglas Ndirangu Kirichus nursery at a place called Lari Forest Station in Uplands Division, a short drive along a passable dirt road from her farm. Kamba is the 5th largest tribe in Kenya, accounting for over 10 percent of Kenya's population. The Kuria people are closely related to the Kisii people both in their physique and dialect. This is the best way to make sure that the local name (or names) is consistent. Most of the vegetation cover grows wildly and are yet to be studied. Handbooks for Genebanks: No. The Nubi tribe resides both in Kenya and Uganda and has origins in Sudan. The Gabra is a nomadic tribe of 31,000 people and resides along both sides of Kenya's border with Ethiopia. There are numerous tribes in Kenya making up the country's diverse mix of ethnic groups. Protein and iron composition of cowpea leaves: An evaluation of six cowpea varieties grown in Eastern Africa (Available here: )9. The wood, often called podo or yellowwood, is good for construction, particularly boat and ship building. Its variation in altitude and climate restricts the plants to some habitats where the conditions favor their growth and survival. One critical reason was that trees were considered holy and usually served as worship places. It is a bignoniaceae and foliage evergreen trees. Kikuyu culture, traditions, language, marriage and clans. Can be cultivated for its leaves, pods, and/or its kernels for oil extraction and water purification. L'archiviazione tecnica o l'accesso sono necessari per lo scopo legittimo di memorizzare le preferenze che non sono richieste dall'abbonato o dall'utente. Please check if helpful: Agroforestree database Pay attention: Become ambassador get a branded T-shirt, hoodie or water bottle at our TUKO Shop! The Batimbaru, Bakenye, Bamerani, Baikoma, and Banyamongo live in Kenya along with several other subtribes forming the Kuria community. Even then, the variations between these clans regarding dialects and cultural practices are minor. The Kalenjin tribe is renowned globally for its excellent record in multiple athletics competitions. Birch - the ideal garden tree 4. Other palm trees in Kenya are the; Fish Tail Golden palm, Red Bottle palm, Pygmy date palm, Cycas Revoluta palm, Mexican fan palm, Royal Palm and the Thika Palm Markahamia Lutea The tree is commonly known as siala, Lusiola or Muu in Kenya's local languages. Their situation seems to get worse each year, with increasing competition for resources in their areas. Examples of indigenous plants for eastern North America that can be used in shade gardens include: Fringed bleeding heart ( Dicentra eximia): zones 3 to 9. Plantations forests (about 0.15 million ha) provide the bulk of wood demand for domestic and commercial needs. 1992. Buchanan's Kenya Estates Ltd.Hong TD, Linington S, Ellis RH. Kuria people have borrowed a lot of cultural practices from the Luo owing to their proximity to the tribe. Most eucalyptus trees originated from Australia but are now grown all over the world in plantations. Known for their hardiness in dry land Africa, Acacia species are actually very diverse and are native to most regions around the world. All about Gianluca Cugnetto, Woman Picks Mahindi Choma From Vendor and Takes Off Without Paying, Seller Chases Her, 15 top movie download sites for HD films and TV shows, Jamhuri High School - Fees structure, KCSE performance, location, contacts, 100+ romantic farm names that are cute, catchy, and unique, St Andrews Turi school fees, owner, menu, dormitories, location, Pangani Girls: fees structure, KCSE performance, uniform, location, Who is David Goggins wife? Dear Luigi, A good number of Luhya people are now Christians, with a few blending the religion with traditional religion. Wattle, grown mainly on small African plantations, provides the base of an important industry. The Suba people communicate in the Suba language and are part of the Bantu community. Gachathi Kenya Forestry Research Institute P.O. They, therefore, demand a lot of attention in weeding to control their growth. Thanks for stopping by. There are three main language groups in Kenya from which the tribes can be divided, These are the Bantus, Nilotes and Cushites, it is from these three ethnic groups that we have the 42 tribes which make up the Kenyan population. Every subtribe reserved a sacred place called Kaya for rituals and sacrifices. Can be used as food, timber, and medicine. Learn more. This is the case for the African flowering plants, most of which grow in forested and remote areas. The African cypress is a genus of coniferous trees that belong to the cypress family. The term bamboo refers to a diverse group of evergreen plants that flower perennially. Male circumcision is among the most regarded ritual celebration among the tribe. The best way to grow them is through cuttings grafted from seedlings, as they take only three years to mature. Homa Bay 1 - PIF 1 April 4, 2022 By Lindsay Kiambu 1 - PIF 1 April 4, 2022 By Lindsay Kiambu County Youth Bunge Forum April 1, 2022 By Lindsay Lake Region Renewable Energy Project . Leaflets occur in three to six pairs and are often straight. Muvuru-Vitex doniana. The Kamba people are skilful in basketry and woodcarving. Dancing and music among the Kalenjin were related to crucial work events such as field digging, grinding corn and herding in the Kalenjin community. the list was compiled using multiple taxonomic data available (beentje, 1994; dharani et al., 2010; gachathi, 2007; gibbs russell et al ., 1991; graf, 1978; ivens, 1967; kokwaro, 2009, turril, w.b. This is a source of wood that is both durable and has an attractive grain. The aim of the campaign is to plant 20 million trees in and around Kenya's highland forests, in order to restore the regulation of freshwater flows, help combat climate change, and protect forest habitats - while improving food security for some of Africa's most vulnerable people. Adequate rain in the tropical highlands of East and Central Africa blog post of mine of BURA, T RIVER... Comes to flowers that are native to Africa substance that can be used as food timber... Is a nomadic tribe of 31,000 people and resides along both sides of Kenya a tribe. Tribe is largely underdeveloped with wanting literacy levels a dialect of the target and exclusion situation seems to hottest... Is also referred to as the drumstick tree, or Abaluhya, are among the most and... Clans regarding dialects and cultural practices are minor influence from their neighbours 2-2.5 m spacing units be... All over the world in plantations agricultural practices thanks to its fertility and adequate. 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list of indigenous trees in kenya