sunshine girl archives 1980s

SUNshine Girl Djazel is an internationally published model. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Jessica, 19, loves kids and wants to be an elementary school teacher. SUNshine Girl Christina feels it's like Christmas Eve with one day to go before the Maple Leafs' home opener against the New York Rangers. Back when SUNshine Girl Chantelle posed for us in February 2018, she was bartending and working in the hospitality industry. She went. SUNshine Girl Valerie is back all the way from her June 2017 photoshoot. She has three dogs: Trixie, Kiwi and Cupcake. Read more about cookies here. That's hot! SUNshine Girl Jessica is into modelling, TV acting and doing promotions. It's a job that requires keeping a lot of balls in the air, and this 5-foot-11 Sagittarius is great at that: She's a volleyball nut. SUNshine Girl Candice, a Leo who posed for us in 2018, enjoys white wine, trying new food, going to concerts, snowboarding and curling, although not necessarily in that order. SUNshine Girl Hunter is making an encore appearance from her April 2017 photoshoot. She writes music, loves a fine wine and is a big fan of R&B and hip hop. Well, being on this page is a great start! We think that would be a good choice, because whatever she's sellin', we're buyin'. BINGO! SUNshine Girl Catalina returns from her Miss Toronto Swimwear-winning 2017 season. We're exhausted just typing this. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). The petite, blue-eyed blonde is a promotional model, and loves her pets, Shiloh the puggle and Google the cat. She also likes to hit the gym, but prefers staying in shape by getting out and enjoying the summer sun. (no models, reg. Her dream car is a Maybach G Wagon. The 25-year-old, green-eyed Pisces enjoys swimming and soccer. Madison, who is a 5-foot-7 Gemini, enjoys hanging with her friends or curling up with a good book. (Jim Wells photo), SUNshine Girl Laura is 20 years old and likes 3-wheeling, rugby and WWE -- simply put, a real girly girl. SUNshine girl Courtney is a body positive model. It's got a lot of horses -- about 1,479 of 'em! This Scorpio, who first posed for us in February 2018, is a big fan of singer Lana Del Rey. CHICKS OF CANADA. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Brooklyn, 19, wants to be a stylist - guess where? Thanks for all the refills, Amanda. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Angela, 23, has set her sights on a graduate degree in biochemistry, which is great because we'd like to discuss the difference between covalent and ionic bonds with her. Our musical girl hopes to become a respiratory therapist and move to Australia. (Alex Urosevic), SUNshine Girl Ashley, 18, wants -- like so many young people these days -- to be famous. In the meantime, she will pursue her hobbies in art, fashion, modelling and research. This blue-eyed Capricorn says her most memorable meeting was when she got to touch Keith Urban. Nicole likes a guy is funny, caring and loves to party. Brooke has two little dogs to chase after and she loves horses. Speaking of snakes, Jessica is doing a pretty good impersonation of shedding her skin with those black tights. But (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Marisa is a soccer mom who, besides soccer, loves snowboarding and acoustic music -- especially music by Ben Harper. A real party gal, when she's not out with friends, she also likes movies and playing the odd game of volleyball. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Amy, 25, is a professional hairstylist and model, who loves baseball, rollerblading, dancing and chilling out with her friends. She loves hockey and is a big Habs fan. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Laura, 18, says the skies are the limit for her. Find the best places within Edmonton. She loves going out to dinner and a movie with her boyfriend. November 3, 2022 Sunshine Girls Subscriber only SUNshine Girl Tonya SUNshine Girl Tonya is a soccer. Her favourite movie is The Fast and the Furious. And dont forget to subscribe to ourYouTube Channel. Sunshine Girl refers to pinup girls featured in most of the daily newspapers of the Sun chain in Canada. SUNshine Girl Alyssa is back from her October 2017 photoshoot. WATCH as this years Top SUNshine Girls for 2022 from month-to-month as clicked on by you our loyal viewers and readers. 2023 Edmonton Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. SUNshine Girl Meg is a Taurus who has a passion for makeup and hairstyling. Lexus is Melanee's Australian shepherd/rottweiler mix, who became part of her family in 2001. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Heather, 25, enjoys a nice day by the lake. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine girl Adrianna, 27, wants to go to med school and pursue a modelling career. Hmm, any chance Elon Musk is reading this? (Jordan Verlage photo), SUNshine Girl Jennifer, 22, would like to be a model/actress, but if that doesn't work out she's open to trying her hand at bartending. SUNshine Girl Jennifer loves the three Ms: movies, music and Muay Thai. SUNshine Girl Lexi likes to work as an ambassador to help overcome childhood poverty and with World Vision. Her hobbies are (get your pens out, guys) dirt-biking, drumming, weight-lifting, scuba-diving, modelling, photography, horseback riding, snow-boarding and travelling. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. (Doreen Thunder photo), SUNshine Girl Ling, 20, loves painting, reading, basketball, swimming and dancing. You can catch this 5-foot-5 Cancer in commercials too, including one for an event to fight breast cancer and another for a student discount card. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Stephany, 22, has one goal in her young life -- to travel the world spreading peace and love. This culinary Capricorn says other than the kitchen, shed rather be on the beach. This music lover says shed love to meet a billionaire, and her dream car is a Tesla. A full invoice should be emailed to the winner by the auctioneer within a day or two. She posed for us in June 2017. And this Scorpio, who has a cockapoo named Coby, wants to run her own hair salon. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine girl Brandi, 21, wants to experience everything life has to offer. Have a great New Year 2023 all the best from the SUN ! Entries in blue indicate that the issue marks the original appearance of that year's Playmate of the Year (PMOY). (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Krista, 20, is a fourth year student at University of Guelph hoping to earn her law degree one day soon. (Greg Henkenhaf photo), SUNshine Girl Amanda, 19, wants to be a professional dancer. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Sable is 18 years old and her goal is to become a top model. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Katherine, 27, is a writer, segment producer and anchor for The Naked News (excuse us a moment while we call our cable company). (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Christine, 20, wants to go into fashion design and merchandising. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. (Veronica Henri photo), SUNshine Girl Courtney is a blue-eyed Aries who loves taking long walks along the boardwalk No joke! Tolkien tomes. 102 St & Jasper (EAST) (1981) ADVERTISEMENT 109 St. Bridge (1980) 10201 Jasper Avenue (1982) Cromdale School (1984) 100 Street looking north (1980) ADVERTISEMENT Natasha's goals are to be a model and to just be happy with what she is doing. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun) January 4,. SUNshine Girl Cynthia, an artsy Taurus who dropped by our studio in 2017, loves writing, acting and going on adventures or reading about them in J.R.R. in Sociocultural Anthropology and has a minor in Environmental Anthropology. It was published by Peter Moyer. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Dee feels strongly about helping abused women and would one day like to become an advocate for them. She loves steak, hates bad drivers and has two cats named Darwin and Tesla. To keep in shape, the 5-foot-6 Virgo likes swimming, badminton and hanging out with friends while exploring the city. Evelyn Guerrero, Girls of the Southwest Conference: October: S.J. When she's not uncovering news stories Katherine likes vegan restaurants -- and comic books. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Candice's goal is to be as good at pole dancing as her instructor. (Doug Budzak photo), SUNshine girl Kayleigh, 21, wants to go to school to become a probation officer. The 5-foot-5, brown-eyed Taurus, who first posed for us in April 2018, wants to climb behind the wheel of a Volvo. Tanice, whose pet name is Boots, dreams of climbing behind the wheel of a Subaru WRX and cranking the tunes -- especially Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. Big city folk could use that philosophy a little more, and we'd all be a lot happier. Closed on Weekends. True story. SUNshine Girl Shawna is back for more! If you're ever in the mood for a trip down memory lane, check out the city's archives for yourself and watch the evolution of Alberta's capital throughout the 20th century. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). When it comes to music, she rocks out to Geddy Lee of Rush, and when it's time for sports, she adores the Maple Leafs. The tall, blue/grey-eyed Cancer likes crafting, playing bass guitar and modeling as well as going to restaurants and travelling south wit her long-term boyfriend. Back in the late 90's after my first trip to Canada (1996) I fell in love with all of the women up there, When I was in Toronto, I picked up the local paper (TORONTO SUN) and I noticed that they had a feature called the SUNShine Girl; It feature a local Canadian female in a G rated pose wearing a bikini with a brief description of her. SUNshine Girl Saga likes tattoos, concerts, and make-up. John E. Motz died in 1975 and the Motz Family continued to own a controlling interest in the paper until 1990, when it was sold to Southam. When she's not on the court, our hazel-eyed teen enjoys clubbing, modelling and chilling out in front of the TV or at the movies. (Toronto Sun). (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun). She also loves listening to Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder and Etta James. SUNshine Girl Katie. At least twice a year, the Sun Group produces and sells a calendar featuring a selection of Sunshine Girls. Vintage 1985 the Toronto Sun Sunshine Girl Complete First . 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. A welcome email is on its way. Our Girl likes guys who are friendly, outgoing and open-minded. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. (Ernest Doroszuk photo), SUNshine Girl Tawny, 24, has a goal to "conquer the world today and take tomorrow off." Well, why not. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Athea enjoys art, fashion and basketball. While she hopes to get your motor running in this year's SUNshine Girl Swimsuit edition, snowmobiling and other motor sports get her revved up. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Haley, 19, wants to be in the fashion industry, so she's learning the ropes from the inside out, starting with modelling. SUNshine Girl Samantha is feisty and fit. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Read more about cookies here. SUNshine Girl Serafina, a 5-foot-10, brown-eyed Gemini who posed for us in 2017, has big dreams, from travelling the world for her job to owning a Lamborghini. Keep your finger on the pulse of your local sports teams with all the news you need. When she's not poring over tort law, Crystal likes swimming, baseball and hockey. SUNshine Girl Lexi likes to work as an ambassador to help overcome childhood poverty and with World Vision. She would like to just sit by the pool, listen to tunes and tan, then go out for Thai, Italian or Japanese food and wait for her perfect mate, who will have gorgeous eyes and be sweet and attractive. (STAN BEHAL/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Dannie is a big Toronto Maple Leafs fan who is pumped about tonight's season home opener against the New York Rangers. This 5-foot-7 Sagittarius lives for love and happiness, but when she's at home, it's art, music and comfy clothes. (Todd Gillis Photo), SUNshine Girl Larissa likes to spend her free time writing music and playing the piano. Her favourite sport is snowboarding. Find the best places within Toronto. She wants to be a flight attendant! This Pisces, who first posed for us in July 2017, hopes to be a best-selling author, and climb behind the wheel of a Corvette. Christine, is a 5-foot-7 Leo and loves going for sushi or shopping for clothes and heels, as she puts it. (Jack Boland/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Victoria is a finalist in the Miss Universe Canada 2017 pageant who is dedicated to the charity Operation Smile, which helps children born with cleft palates in the developing world. after all, she looks great in a bikini, which, we think, is a prerequisite for moving to Australia. SUNshine Girl Jennifer loves the three Ms: movies, music and Muay Thai. We're there. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. SUNshine Girl Gabie is a 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Capricorn who is also a tomboy at heart. SUNshine Girl Dee is definitely our Christmas cracker she is always nice and at the top of Santas list. The by-then Senator Euler sold his interest to Southam Press in 1953. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). Good for you, Shannon. Hmm, any chance Elon Musk is reading this? SUNshine Girl Hannah is a five-foot-five Gemini who likes the outdoors, rollerblading, nature and photography. SUNshine Girl Neha loves shopping, curling up with a good read, and watching movies. SUNshine Girl Mandie, who visited our studio in 2018, enjoys quiet nights in the country after a busy day of snowmobiling, CrossFit or fishing or maybe a bit of each! This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. This 5-foot-7 Gemini expects to be either a dermatologist or a model. The Berliner Journal began in December 29, 1859 by Frederick Rittinger and John Motz, and was located on Queen Street south, Kitchener. And while she's waiting in customs, she can draw, sketch and listen to techno and reggae music, which is what she likes to do in her spare time. This Aries with hazel eyes owns a lovebird named Porko. Although primarily published in color since the 1990s, prior to this the feature alternated between color and black and white and was exclusively black and white in the 1970s and early 1980s. Her dream job is to be a special-needs support worker. -- as well as reading and swimming -- wet hugs! Motz remained editor until his death in 1899, at which time his son William acquired his father's interest. SUNshine Girl Nikki, who popped by our studio in 2018, is a dog-grooming Capricorn who likes singing, hockey and cars. Metal music is also near and dear to her. The 5-foot-1, brown-eyed Capricorn, who first posed for us in October 2017, also loves to swim. Find the best places within Winnipeg. (Todd Gillis photo), Maggie, 25, wants to be a successful real estate agent. Please try again. Lavender Mai is a petite promotional model with a bachelor of science degree and a love of Italian food. The married, brown-eyed movie-lover wants to become an optometrist. The 5-foot-8, green-eyed beauty loves hockey and her dream job is sports marketing. In January 2005, the paper moved its offices to Market Square on King Street east in Kitchener's downtown core, and on March 11, 2008, the name was changed to the Waterloo Region Record. We're guessing the ultimate would be if Jynx could play a sex therapist in the movies. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Amanda's goal is to travel the world. Read more about cookies here. They would all be post-40 women and then-and-now photos would be interesting to see, he says. Imagine if we all did that, every day. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun). Last edited on 19 February 2022, at 13:22, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "2015 Daily Newspaper Circulation Spreadsheet (Excel)", Morals and the Media, 2nd Edition: Ethics in Canadian Journalism, Sunshine girl feature portrays women as sex objects: Ontario Press Council, Official SUNshine Girl Facebook Application, SUNshine Girl of the Canadian SUN news group,, This page was last edited on 19 February 2022, at 13:22. (Toronto Sun). 5e shillelagh booming blade on toronto sunshine girl 1970s. She likes reading Danielle Steel novels, Magic Mike, figure skating and crafts. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Pelly is a brown-eyed Sagittarius who likes to hit the gym, but also doesn't mind sleeping in some days. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Mai Lynn, 23, wants to be a successful event planner. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Dee is celebrating her birthday today. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Wormser, Deborah. GLAMOUR girl Rhian Sugden looks heart-warming as Britain turns frosty this weekend. Pretty good, we think. SUNshine Girl Neha. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Elishia is 18 years old and her goal is to travel the world. Sounds like fun. The Sunshine Girl series has been criticized by some readers and media commentators for objectifying women. This 5-foot-3 Aquarius enjoys meeting new people -- more hugs! As we have said hundreds of times before. (Ernest Doroszuk photo), LOOKS LIKE A PENIS:' Sculpture dedicated to MLK sparks criticism from family, Mitch Marner sets home record, William Nylander OT hero for Maple Leafs versus Panthers, A look at Olivia Dunne, the college gymnast with 6.7 million TikTok followers. It was hard to pick just a few but we managed. SUNshine Girl Neha loves shopping, curling up with a good read, and watching movies. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine girl Nicole is a blue-eyed Taurus who loves to read, swim, and have fun in everything she does. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun) January. Tell us what you think. (Brendon Dlouhy photo), SUNshine Girl Laura loves cheerleading and gymnastics. Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network, SUNshine Girl Gabie, a 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Capricorn, is a tomboy at heart and ex-gymnast who wants to be four-wheeling at the cottage and generally seizing the day. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). While she waits, though, this 5-foot-6 Scorpio is working toward being a model or dancer. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. SUNshine Girl Dylan dreams of being a supermodel and stylist with a focus on fashion from the 1960s to 1980s. (Perry Mah Photo), SUNshine Girl Melanee is 24 years old and a recent graduate with a degree in hotel and resort management. We encountered an issue signing you up. (Jack Boland/Toronto Sun), SUNshine Girl Kay-Marie loves to model, cook and draw, and she also loves photography. The blue-green-eyed Gemini Heather also likes the Jersey Boys. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun). (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Norah-Jean is a cheerleader for the Toronto Argonauts. The next issue of Your Midday Sun will soon be in your inbox. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). She is a bartender by trade and works at a brew pub. SUNshine Girl Candice, a Leo who posed for us in 2018, enjoys white wine, trying new food, going to concerts, snowboarding and curling, although not necessarily in that order. You've got that covered, Mika. Lucky dolphins. (Jim Wells Photo), SUNshine Girl Patrycia is 22 years old and hopes to become a super model and open her own salon. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Remember the first rule of writing Sarah - write what you know. 1987 SUNSHINE GIRL CALENDAR. By. Closed on Weekends. WATCH as we highlight our Top 5 SUNshine Girls for the festive month of December 2022. Sunshine Girls GIRLS OF THE DECADE: Our SUNshine models never lacked sex appeal Postmedia News Published Dec 18, 2019 < 1 minute read Join the conversation Jack Boland/Toronto Sun WATCH. Twins: Cybil and Tricia Barnstable, Sheila and Moira Stone, Piper and Tara Perry, Lynette and Leigh Harris (or Lyn and Leigh Holiday), Audrey Landers, Judy Landers, Shannon Tweed, Kimberly McArthur, Kelly Tough, Karen Witter, Paulina Porizkova Calendar Preview (not nude), This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 09:03. The weekly Journal ended on May 10, 1924. The hazel-eyed Cancer, who first posed for us in November 2017, is an actress and model who loves hockey and football. 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sunshine girl archives 1980s