top international development consulting firms

Furthermore, the RPS segment provides tailored solutions for customers commercial, government, and military who are not just based in the U.S., but rather located across the globe. The firm invests deeply in training and fostering entrepreneurship in its own employees so they can bring the most impactful solutions to clients. The firm boasts a workforce of more than 14,000 professionals who provide guidance to public, private, and non-profit organizations of all sizes. The acquisition valued Kroll at just north of $4 billion. Grant Thornton LLP is one of Americas largest audit, tax and consulting firms. Established in 1997, CSG recently celebrated 25 years serving as a trusted advisor to the public sector. CSG provides project related services including planning and strategy, program and project management, independent verification and validation, quality assurance, organizational change management, testing, system security, and federal compliance. With headquarters in Armonk, New York and more than 10,000 employees, IBMs consulting branch IBM iX is now one of the largest digital and design consultancies worldwide, with roughly 60 studios as well as wide-reaching global network of strategists, designers, developers, and data architects leveraging deep industry and ISV expertise. Lead Client Service Partner, USAID and US-IDO +1 614 537 2884 Kathleen is a principal with Deloitte's Government & Public Services team and leads Deloitte's International Development practice, which includes our work with the U.S. Agency for International Develo. It has consistently been the #1 most valued brand in the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge strategic approaches. Regardless of location or rank, our consultants are down to earth, approachable, and have a shared passion for doing innovative client work that provides clear benefits to the organizations we work with in both the short and long term. share. Moreover, the firm has its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States. Saggezza. What they do: With over 1,000 professionals spanning 14 offices worldwide, Analysis Group ranks as one of the world's largest economic consulting firms. Frequently named among the top management firms in the world, Oliver Wyman has served more than 1,000 global clients over the past 50 years. L.E.K. Stax is a global management consulting firm serving corporate and private equity clients across a broad range of industries including software/technology, healthcare, business services, industrial, consumer & retail, and education. 41. British-Dutch multinational professional services network KPMG International Limited, often shortened to KPMG, is well known as one of the Big Four accounting organizations. See our services Home Sectors Development Consulting NIRAS Development Consulting Share Watch on Charles River Associates Copyright:The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022 publication is copyrighted material, produced and published by The Consulting Report. And Technology, a latent source of boosted revenue for the firm, provides specialized software to manage ediscovery risks. Since 1983, when NERA was acquired, it has remained a part of the Oliver Wyman Group, a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Headquarters: McLean, VA. For more than a century, Booz Allen Hamilton has been a leading management consulting firm, serving military, government, and business organizations around the world. Please join us in celebrating The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022. In serving its many stakeholders, CohnReznick is committed to its role as a value creator and force for change in promoting sustainability, social justice, and proactive corporate governance. 10. While this years awardees offer their services across a wide variety of sectors and geographies, and often have very different methods of approaching the problems they solve, what they do have in common is the ability to produce results for their clients. Grant Thornton. Choate Parking Consultants, Gensler, Clark Nexsen, and . Crowe LLP is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm headquartered in Chicago and with offices around the world. 49 (1) (a) in conjunction with Art. 25. Since the firms founding just after the turn of the century, it has provided guidance for more than 450 health systems, hospitals, and academic medical centers as well as approximately 400 colleges, universities, and research institutions and over 125 life sciences organizations. In 2021, Putnam received numerous top honors, including being ranked by Vault as the #1 Consulting Firm for Health and Wellness. EY is known for offering assurance (financial audit), consulting, tax, and advisory services to its customers. The Brattle Group Best 100 Consulting Firms in Europe | Conavigo Consulting Firms in Europe Following the financial crisis within the European consulting market, the consulting industry managed to recover and return to modest growth. 29. The firm is also committed to sharing its diversity and equity values, as well as its environmental, social, and governance practices. With over a centurys worth of experience, nearly 4,000 global team members, and 25 locations including global subsidiaries, CohnReznick LLP serves clients in 30 different industries through an integrated team of advisory, assurance, and tax professionals. Business Talent Group. Supporting post-Ebola recovery The presidential team of a country in Africa needed help restoring healthcare services, getting children back to school, and supporting vulnerable groups. Founded in 1982 as Forensic Technologies International, Ltd, FTI operates in just under 30 countries with an employee base of more than 6,200. 33. EY-Parthenon 6. Founded in 1999 by Charles Bates and Halbert White, the firm currently has one office in Washington, D.C., with nearly 300 employees. Helping create sustainable, resilient societies that fulfill their citizens needs. Top business consulting firms worldwide 1. The Consulting Report is your comprehensive source for business news, leadership dynamics and corporate actions related to the consulting, professional services and tech services industries. A Fortune Global 500 company in its own right, Accenture has developed a reputation for excellence in the field of IT services, working with 91 of the Forbes Global 100 companies. 46. The operation of CSGs business is characterized by The CSG Way, an environment that emphasizes teamwork, communication, and consistent high-quality work. Kaiser Associates was founded as a spin-off from Strategic Planning Associates (now Oliver Wyman) by Michael Kaiser and is now based both in Washington D.C., and London, with a third office in So Paulo. The "doing what is right" credo permeates its firm culture, leading Kenway to continually be included in the top ranks of best companies for work-life balance listings. I'm an international not-for-profit retained executive search recruitment . KPMG provides adept consultation for highly varied situations. The firm provides expertise in industries including cybersecurity, data analytics, and digital technologies. Each year, the firm presents the Brattle Prize at the American Finance Association's annual meeting. Willis Towers Watson CSG works with its clients collaboratively to deliver results. Its services span identity, publications, packaging, product, interactive communications, exhibition and environmental design. Bates White Economic Consulting In recent history, FTI is known to have had the biggest restructuring business in the U.S. FTIs five business segments cover a broad range of services. The firm is a preferred thought partner to the worlds most highly valued corporations, PE firms, and government entities, guiding them in turning their most difficult obstacles into extraordinary growth and productivity opportunities. The firm was formed as a merger of equals between London-based Willis Group Holdings plc and Arlington, VA-based Towers Watson & Co. in early 2016. Mercer LLC is the worlds largest human resources consulting firm. 34. KPMG Consulting. I use daily those abilities . The pitch seems to be working, as Syneos Health continues to grow and currently boasts customers in more than 110 countries. As an industry leader in business consulting, outsourcing, and information technology solutions, Cognizant has long been hailed for its results and resilience. Please select, if appropriate, the following options: 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If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click, Switch to accept or reject the category Other content, Switch to accept or reject the service Twitter, Angermeier&Partner International Development (Germany), Arup International Development (International), Canadian Leaders in International Consulting (Canada), DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. (Canada), Institute for Sustainable Communities (US), International Development Opportunities (Switzerland), INTRAC - International NGO Training & Research Centre (UK), Land o' Lakes International Development (US), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / 2030 Agenda. Now, it is a major management consulting and professional services firm focusing on consulting, software, and technology and provides services for clients in healthcare, private equity, and technology. Headquarters: New York, NY. We help clients identify, document, measure, and address human rights violations and labor exploitation through mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative research, and data collection across countries and industries. These 19 consulting firms in NYC go above and beyond what's standard, reinventing industry practices and analyzing exactly what modern businesses need to grow well into the future. In a world changing faster than ever in nearly every respect, from technologically to culturally, consulting firms serve as an indispensable partner for any organization navigating its path to success. In June 2021, Capgemini partnered with Sanofi, Orange & Generali to launch Future4care, a European start-up accelerator focused on digital healthcare. The top consulting companies include brands like Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, EY, Accenture, IBM, BCG, Booz Allen etc. Deloitte Consulting is a component of the wider Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu group - branded simply as Deloitte. The firm has held a leadership position in community investment for more than 35 years and a 15-year commitment to the cleantech and renewable energy industries. It has also been named to Working Mothers Top 100 Firms for Working Families and Women as well as to the Best Companies for Dads list. Technology and management consulting firm Kenway specializes in technology solution delivery, enterprise program leadership, and information insight. WTW provides data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk, and capital that makes organizations more resilient, motivates workforces, and maximizes performance. 16. Founded in the UK in 1983 by Oliver Cox and Richard Cooke, it has become one of the world's leading strategy consulting firms. &samhoud 2. Headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, RTX researches, develops, and manufactures advanced technology products in the aerospace and defense industry including aircraft engines, cybersecurity, guided missiles, air defense systems, satellites, and drones. $5,000+. Ecorys 11 . Top services: Business Consulting Advertising Digital Marketing Outsmart the competition with best-in-class digital marketing services. Their focus is on OpenERP/Odoo implementation services with the help of a dedicated dev team for clients like AT&T, Toledo Zoo & Aquarium, Oeveo, etc. Capgeminis revolutionary Platform AI and analytics portfolio is a standout example of how the firm has been able to offer scaled data transformation at an unmatched level. Bain & Company 2. Headquarters: Boston, MA. Headquarters: Boston, MA. Grant Thornton LLP Boston Consulting Group 4. Headquarters: New York, NY. Headquarters: San Francisco, CA. 80% of AmLaw 100 firms, 50% of Fortune 100 companies, and 25% of Fortune 500 companies use The Brattle Groups expert services. It operates as an extensive network of firms in 145 countries with an employee base of more than 236,000. Based on all evaluations, a ranking of the top performing consulting firms was created. Since 1926 when James O. McKinsey, a University of Chicago professor, opened a consulting office in Chicago, the firm has provided strategic advice to corporations and other organizations. BCG boasts expertise in a wide array of industries, including aerospace and defense, automotive, oil and gas, consumer products, and more. See how we support our people, protect the planet, and give back to communities. MBB hires the smartest people, pays the highest compensation, and has the best exit opportunities. Bain & Company 18. Number of employees: 25+ employees; . Serving a bevy of global brands and leading law firms from its offices in Boston, San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle, Keystone Strategy provides strategy and economics consulting fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit as well as dedication to collaborating with clients and peers. The firm, which gets a significant portion of its revenue from the U.S. government, is the result of the 2020 merger between the aerospace subsidiaries of United Technologies Corporation and the Raytheon Company. Revenue: $14.4 Billion (37% of the overall global revenue) Number of offices: Global network in 150 countries. With nearly 300,000 employees working from home since March 2020, Cognizant continues to expand its reputation for quality digital solutions and workplace innovation, with particular focus on its Work Ahead AI action and research initiative. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Headquartered in New York City, the firm now has nearly 5,000 employees across 30 countries and territories. With headquarters in McLean, Virginia in the Greater Washington, D.C. area and 80 other global offices, Booz Allen is made of approximately 29,200 engineers, scientists, software developers, technologists, and consultants. Its a subsidiary of parent company Marsh & McLennan the consulting giant that earns annual revenue of nearly $20 billion. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. , provides specialized software to manage ediscovery risks smartest people, pays highest! To communities & McLennan the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge top international development consulting firms.... Valued brand in the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge strategic approaches reason, the European Court of has... Its own employees so they can bring the most impactful solutions to clients choate Parking Consultants, Gensler, Nexsen... Governance practices of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision the... Known for offering assurance ( financial audit ), consulting, and insight... 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top international development consulting firms