words with friends scammer photos

He did look like Bin Laden, lol! I thought I was alone on this issue. And strange men are trying to friend me on Facebook based on Im a widow and I said I like flowers. Its easy to get caught up in that business! Another give away is many of them claim to have really great jobs, (military. I cant count how many of them have come across my chat. Lol. The email address he had been using is: Robertellington45@gmail.com. My big question is, why do they all want to use Hangouts? Do not fall for it. He wanted to know where I was playing from. then I told 1 guy I think everyone is same guy just using different names. and now conversations are civil and nice. They profile you and compose an idea on you. Heard this or variations si much its like a broken record. He needs to be stopped. Was wondering about setting up a fb page where everyone could share the names photos etc. I instantly knew it was a scammer by the poor grammar and big words (clearly they are cheating) When I say I dont want to do hangout they just talk about how easy it it. Most want me to download hangouts. Beware of Nickolas Howard. Scammers all. Anyone had any dealings with Michael Hansen, originally from Norway has lived in US for many years. Al is a big car dealer in Miami, Florida. Kandahar, Afghanistan. He now lives in DC. LOL. Ive been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. His story was consistent & his voice matched. Nice looking guy in the pic- Ill give them that!! The real creepy ones make everything disappear. I havent because its very strange. I used to engage a little just to hear their story, but now I message right back saying: Hello, just to nip it in the bud, Im not going to communicate other than here. when I told him I wasnt sending any money he cussed me out. I was wonderingcan these scammers (or bots) access any info from my cell phone thru this app? Ive had numerous scammers, exactly same experiences as everyone else. We believe my mother-in-law is being scammed through WWF. Scammer Raymond Thompson. My mother has been playing Words with Friends with him for several years and is now having envelopes/packages sent to her from various people and then forwarding them. The man in pictures is actually married businessman in Middle East. Do they pay some ring for the scripts and lists of players to target? Says he is a doctor working in Syria for the UN. Hi, how are you, youre so beautiful. I played along for a day or two until the requests kept coming, with more personal questions. I dont think so. 2. I have gone through all her emails and messages and she gives every single bank account numbers and passwords away. So now I too have been scammed by George Woodland, a lumberjack from Houston TX who went to China to cut down a large forest. I bet Ill get blocked after that . They dont play lightening rounds but find potential victims that way. When I told him I wouldnt access his account (of almost $700,000) and have money transferred to my account, he then had no way to get home to access his own account. Didnt get a lot of game requests. I go oh ok but Im talking to you. I as a guy never message anyone first especially after hearing the stories from my regulars. Jose Daniel.beware of him scamming! In Afghanistan, Marine, divorced, wife cheated, left and didnt look back, daughter in GA boarding school with Nanny at 17! ], Hey its not just men hitting on women. . What made me suspicious was that he sounded like a foreigner (he said that he was from Germany and he lived in NY and Florida in the past) and might have been using a translator device or something. He said all in I had 1200$. And hes originally from Germany. One told me now that we are friends on words I had to tell him the truth and not lie to him and that I had to do as he told me , well thats like a red rag to a bull to me , told him where to go in a very colourful way . After 4 months I invested 700$ with him. Ive had these guys bugging me for years! Most always have a score Of zero and the profile is brand new. I didnt want to be mean to anyone but it was all very suspicious with their dates joined all between May and July of 2019 yet their skill was very good. Words With Freaks. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flakeHe sent fake pictures through WhatsApp. I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. LOL! Exactlythis issue goes both ways. Yes. Not all of you . It is just crazy. I have Mike Scott on wwf now. We just recently found a bank statements where she wired $35k to an auto auction in our state. Then Ill ask them for money cuz Im 87 years old and need emergency hemorrhoid removal surgery. They even have pet names for me now lol. I have a file of over 100 guys that I believe are scammers. Wow. Muhammadhamdan731- this was interesting!Zabal Palace price of Dubai! It's one of the easiest ways to check for a scam. I googled predators on WWF and found this article. I dont think he was after money or anything. Only play with people you actually know in real life! Beware probably same guy they change names a whole group of them doing this crap, There are quite a few Thomas out there, somehow involved in shipping, sometimes mentioning Maersk Line. If anyone hears of a John Alexander on wwf. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. I have only been on for a little while and had 6 so called men friend me to play wanting to know temp and whats for dinner. To this day I get a scammer EVERY SINGLE DAY. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Anyway, beware. Oh also a son of one but that one dont msg much. I didnt provide it. Hear Hangouts isnt secure not sure how. So even without the red-flag repetition of the same script across three different people, she was skeptical. Yep. My goal is to recoup the money I lost. Pictures, videos the lot. If you block one, they regenerate. But, his checking account in Atlanta has been frozen because the previous company he had a contract with went bankrupt due to the Coronavirus, so now he cannot access the money he needs to fix the issues with the rig to continue production. Now I have read that is a big red flag. Glad u caught on and didnt lose anything major.. like some poor women. I like him but know him for a scammer. Zynga needs to know. I sent a Nigerian scammer to the Western Union 3 days in a row to pick up the money I was sending himboy was he mad when he found out I played him , Oh my goodness. They block me after awhile when they see their efforts to go on other apps are going nowhere or after they get on my nerves I confront them on their pics being fake, etc. Hes back with sightly different details, location and his own age. Definitely a scammer. She tells me she is in Dublin just now to pick up her gold inheritance. I am a female, and I actually had a female trying to hit on me and get my personal info. I would rather look like a stalker than get harassed on a game I just want to play for fun. Just curious hes been talking to me but not asking personal questions. I feel for these lost souls, but I cannot help them. After I asked things like why his friend who was watching his kids couldnt help w/the Wi-Fi, why he hadnt seemed worried about money before this job suddenly appeared, said the conversation was sad, he disappeared for a few days. I have the rejection hotline phone number, so when asked, thats what I give them, then I wait, in usually less then 10 minutes, the game is over, and I am blocked!! I always report as abuse impersonation. A lot of people have mentioned that these scammers DISAPPEAR when confronted or not encouraged. Oh my goodness. Zynga did not create WWF. Lol. 59 Suppose to be from Denver Co, Got one called donald scott. I have noticed also that with these two people, there is no date on their profile when they joined WWF, whereas normal people have. Too many and he made me uncomfortable. As is ID. But the English syntax always gives them away! I allowed myself to get suckered into sending his mum money when his account was messed up. Scammer David Update on this, Give them false information. If I'm a scammer, I think I'm doing it wrong. Beware. I was playing with a Gary Tellier. Says his wife died, and has a son named Jayden who is in college. Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and youre a big shot at the UN. You will know right away because before you even accept the invite theres already a message waiting for you. I have been playing on and off for 4 years and only recently started getting dodgy people playing. They convinced her to buy auction vehicles and someone actually went and received those cars. Theyve all asked me to join hangouts. I guess they sit and wait for players and then set up games with people they think they can scam. Havent heard from him in 3 days. She said she had diamonds in England and wanted them shipped to the US to make us rich. Is there a script for this stuff? Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. You arent giving us a chance with letters that always need to be swapped. Same. Floyd Gregory, and another, Bryson (first name) and several others. Now he disappeared after I marked David as a fraud. Lol lol. If I ignore their texts they stop playing. He told me Im adormable and asked me my marital status. They also want to know what and when I ate last, havent figured that one out yet and become quite upset when I say no. One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadnt a clue what I was saying But I didnt send him money. Ive told them I have 9 children and changed my profile picture and still they keep on asking for my phone number, I got a female scammer yesterday.. Pic looked attractive (by design black crop top, low cut, blonde, mirror selfie- in case someone comes across her), but she started chatting. Check out his facebook page and ALL his photos and you will soon realize there are quite a few scammers using the handsome Capt.s photos. One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. Claiming wife died i. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! Asking questions like married single kids even where you grew up and favorite colour as in banking apps and the like you have security questions that you have to answer. However, what really put me on high alert was when he said that his wife died while giving birth to the man she cheat with baby, smh. Of course, he should take it, I said. I already know what they trying to do they are also asking people if they have hangout and they seem to be desperately wanting people to join hangout. I dont understand how someone can sound so sincere and just hurt people and take advantage of them. Added to which, I wouldnt be remotely interested.. At one point, my mothers profile picture showed her standing next to my 17 year-old daughter, who is very pretty. What matters is that you protect yourself and your loved ones. Each time you give information they collate it and keep it. Relatives and i play. Tonight this was a Micheal (big red flag with spelling) Siebert from Albany NYC. See more ideas about scammers, tamela mann, joe cross. Big Deal!! WebDid you know scammers play online games like Words with Friends to try and source new victims? I like talking to you. He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. Kabul.) Then when they ask for things or money tell them that I know all about what they are doing and hope I wasted their time. Haha. He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. To activate Chat, please follow these steps: 1. They get real .mad. There are SO many of these men popping up on WWF anymore its ridiculous. My favorite colors are red and white. He had twin daughters age 17 but his wife died at childbirth of placenta premieria (so?). Im anticipating what the next one will have in common with the one before. They say. Travis Austin tried the same with me. Addiction and sobriety can make people very vulnerable. OMG, I get that all the time, my favorite colors are red and white, and that makes pink, which stands for a pure heart. really full of it!! I never fell victim to any of them and rarely give out anything personal. I resisted for a long time, but he had the most chocolately voice! There is even a new shield that you can block and report. Are these bots? Its not listed anywhere. What a weasel! I can tell by their profile pics theyre scammers before they even write me. being widows and single parent. This random Bmary11122 just started playing and messaging me. Why cant you make your players happy?? Owen (or whoever) strikes up a casual conversation with what he hopes is a lonely, older, female WWF player. You can always tell its a scammer by the photo they use or the date they started playing. We then changed Moms profile picture to one of my dog, an adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ace. They are mostly all engineers on a oil rig off the coast. All told me theyre in the US, but originally from other countries in attempts to cover for broken English. Ty be safe smart. Nice pictures on Facebook. I said he got killed for killing a scammer! Yup, I verify this. Each time he would try to guilt me into sending it. Not just resigned. She told me she was a medic for the US army and was stationed in Iran, but was coming home in a month. WebScammers who use blackmail as a form of extortion are another type of scam to avoid. My life is over. She thinks we are the crazy ones. They keep pushing for me to join them there and chat there. He mentioned that he is married by know more (his words not mine). Also a petro chemical engineer. I am playing with somebody right now who says he is from Germany but lived in NY and Florida for a bit. ROMEO KINNUNE and his son JAYDEN. I made them mad before they could ask. Am getting this more and more on Words. Thomas?? Does anybody know what this is about? Tap the Settings tab. Yes.definitely. Thats when I got suspicious. Reported them to Zynga, but theyve done virtually nothing to block them from WWF even though they are aware that the photo of George belongs to someone else. He took his kids to the zoo in the afternoon heat in Texas. He said he liked coil and country song. I had that David Craig too, did you ever have Davis Anderson? Omg, Im reading all these and its the same thing Im getting, usually 3 or 4 a day. WebWords With Friends Scammer Chats. (I admit that Im biased.) Towards the end of the con when they know I wont go to hangouts and please NEVER EVER go there as there is NO SECURITY at all. Wanted to get out. A similar situation is happening to me now. He was wearing army fatigue with a tin hat, looked like something out of Good Morning Vietnam . I gave one of them my WhatsApp got but it never really went anywhere. They still try and hit on me, Ive experiences that too where its the same guy but he changes his name every time and Ive blocked this one several times . To bad we cant have nice things. Youll be surprised by how quickly information pops up that will detach you from acting on a really bad idea. Hi, got in on Academic Singles. Lol. As soon as I told them I work for the FBI, they stopped chatting! Ive had an extended chat with him, which began with him asking what would seem to be the obvious questions of a romantic scammer: what is your favorite flower/color, etc. I do not care if I am rude to them or not (and I am actually not a rude person). I think these scammers find people in lightening rounds. No money request. New he was a scammer from the get go, played along with it for 3weeks, really enjoyed telling him that I told as many lies as him. She will not listen to me as I have told her many times this is a scam and now she is being used as a mule and dont know what to do as she will not listen to reason. Theres a man that has been talking to me. I would love to make contact with you to compare her experience to yours and hopefully show her that she is being scammed and lied to by this creep. I thought he had been dead for years. , Exactly! When I refuse to go to hangout or give them my gmail, they disappear without finishing the game. They keep notes and use scripts. Awesome!! Has anyone come across Alex Peterson ? Been in hospital for a yest anf a half. I speak from experience. It is fun to see how long you can waste their time before they realize you are playing them . He is a plastic surgeon from Dallas, originally from Italy. If you were sincere you would not behave that way. If they wanted to chat, there are plenty apps made just for that. I finally changed it to a picture of a plant that slowed them down, but I still get a new one every week or 2 it used to be almost daily. Not like he previous 9 that had no clue. Pretending to live in Italy but out to an oil rig in Dubai for a huge project. I did a image recognition search on google and it was an Instagram pic. Like I really believe that. His English was perfect. 4 guys says they were dingle parents because their wife died tragically. I feel validated. I changed the profile picture so I would look a little more approachable . When I said no, he asked for a $200 iTunes gift card and then a $100gift card. Steve Rodriguez (age 59) divorced, daughter age 16 (Casey), Justin Michael (supposed age of 59) divorced, no kids, met both on WWF2 late 2019. Blocked the lot of them . I like to check the profiles to see how long theyve been playing. Then, he was really busy being one of only two electrical technicians on the ship w/a crew of 27. This started in February. Tap on your Profile. In this scenario, bots would start the games and initiate the chats with the intended victims. Had anyone deal with a Mark Joe, David Roberts, William Johnson or Kelvin Triplet? Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. Thank you for warning people, I dont play words with friends but my husband did and he had women sending naked photos of themselves and offering online sex. Come on now!! I helped Mom change the profile picture to one of just her, but the new picture functioned as bait for the scammers, who seem to presume that older women playing WWF are lonely and susceptible to pretended attention and affection. But no one has said how they get the game we are playing together to DISAPPEAR? Anyone know?? Be skeptical: dont tell a stranger where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living, what music you like, what TV shows you watch. Honestly. From Europe but who now live in the USA Darling, why would you believe someone would pretend to be in love with you? got to me a bit. WebScammer Mark Baron. Good luck.NEVER SEND MONEY! Theyre nothing more than parasites. The others seemed to want money or personal information for likely scams. I am 87, he 60. Everyone beware of There were others with similar stories but I cant find my older games on my Phone App. Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. Wife, Olivia, died of Leukemia. whos a trauma and orthopedic doctor. Hi has anyone had someone called Myles Kennedy contact them on wwf? Hangouts and want to share pics and conversation. I just wish I could see their faces as they read it. So many scammers out right now. 3. But he really had me going for a while. I have got several; and I have been playing this game over 12 years. Anyone hear of him? A widower because his wife was shot in an armed robbery and died on the way to the hospital. Thomas Stewart from Texas. It happens every single day to someone. I dont add the friend requests, but its hilarious how similar the accounts are and random pictures they find of these men. I just told him that everything I have told you isnt true except for being busy. I took some advice from one of your commenters and said I was married to a mafia member and am very exhausted trying to hide Wife died of breast cancer. Nice looking. First it was Facebook then Instagram and now this WEF. I refused to answer and he deleted our game. Robert got a little accusational when I said, No one thinks you are real, after he asked for money. Im not interested. Remember NO HANGOUTS ITS GOT NO SECURITY AT ALL. He continues to ask for money with the promise to pay me back when he gets back to the states. All same questions, dead or cheating wife and underage children. I wanted to end my game with this guy but didnt want to hurt anybodys feelings so I was relieved to find out its a scam and immediately blocked the moron. I have saved photos of this Martins Smork. The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. Gorgeous! The scammer stole his photos from Instragram. I would never give out personal information. FBI..no help. ROTFL! So be wary of any scammers claiming to be doctors, even real ones. Careful GIRLS, Hes good! I am smarter than this, but he always knew exactly what to say. Look out for a Mark Spiegler. I am ashamed that I could fall for such TRASH, Heres another couple of names for the look out collection: Call your best friend or your skeptical relative and ask, does this seem legit to you?. 2 kids, 12 and 15. Half Brazilian Shortly after, he stopped playing WWF with me. When I checked his stats he had never played a single game before yet first off the bat he decides to challenge a top 30 player? I wish there were more laws and regulations in place to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps. Yes, start a facebook page, I will definitely contribute..let me know I almost feel like I am stalking the other person but after enough of these guys I dont care. I am so relieved to find this thread! In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but threedifferent opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. I was flattered and gave him one of my email addresses that I use. Mason Spielberg is using Stephen Neise ID, Stephen is a male model, gorgeous looking, he is genuine, but the Spielberg fella stole pics of the internet , admitted it when challenged. I lead them on then have some fun. Good!! Two scammers in a row, similar stories. Theyre always related to the game. I find it amusing that a lot of men want to play Words when you upload what you consider to be a nice profile picture. The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you wont go to hangouts or download it Im firm when I say no they say Im rude and mean lol I said so Im mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger Ive sooken very little to in 3 days?! Beware JamesMason 147 As soon as I said Im married a lot of them stop playing but one Ive still been chatting with, just to see how far it goes. . I was scammed out of $70,000 over the course of a year. I stopped sending money in January 2018 and after many of his tries, I refused to send more money. We talked for TWO MONTHS and I grew to love him because he professed his love for me early on. Hex wants my phone number so he can send me a pic. He wanted to keep the charade going, so I let him. The very next day I received 7 game requests- all from men. An engineer in Turkey. Wife died a year ago, 15 year old daughter and working as a petrochemical engineer? Right now I have about 6 of these. I now disable chat as soon as I accept a game and 9 times out of ten, I dont hear from them again.I had to report abuse from someone early on, who I was happy to chat to for a while as he was a complete pain and declared love for me! He wanted my email address but I told him no. After the first one sucked me in and It got a little creepy, I just do not engage. I may be gullible.but not that stupid. He continued to harass me via text message so I blocked him. So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! Wanted me to join Hangout? They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. I was scammed on Boggle with Friends by Jeffs3007. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Samuel Caban wanted me to cut my finger and make a blood oath that I would be true to him. It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. If they ask my occupation am always a Cyber Security Agent , I have had loads of them lately and they get quite nasty when you dont give information Its a shame I love the game but it seems to be every man on there. Lol! Also about to retire and getting huge payout. Beware: Nicolas Alejandro, Stanley Gray (Stanleygray545), Ryan Smith (Ryansmith00009). Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago Im BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I dont know. Not sure if this has been mentioned. Ive had a few oil rig guys and civil engineers that have tried this crap. In the last two weeks, I have been hit on by an engineer, two oil rig workers, a surgeon and a four star general. These men are rude as hell. How do you reverse image search? Also, Ive noticed that almost ALL of these scammers use a name that is 2 first names of a man. And please dont shy away from request, simply because theyre from strangers. 51 from Spokane, I am currently being chatted up by frank williams, oil rig worker dead wife, 2 kids, beautiful house etc. I all of a sudden got requests on Words from I forgot to mention that is happening on WWF as well. Be careful all. Please beware!!! I live with embarrassment and shame now. Even as info.. pets names, location, fave color, family,its a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies. Im wondering why they insist on getting a gmail address. I would hate to quit. For example: Austin Scott, David Owen, William Paul, James David, John David, Bernard Edgar, William Michaels, etc. nudity or Today (7/23/19) he is number 90 on the Leaderboard. Too smart for that. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. Most would not play me if I would not chat so I started to chat just to have a games to play with others. Same story for all 3! They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. Can we be friends , and, Im widowed etc. But the conversation continued with the offer of exchanging phone numbers and pictures, which I of course decline and end the game. Words With Friends Scammer Pictures As with any other social media platform, many players view their Words With Friends profile picture the same way they asked if I was married or not, asked if I wanted to get married again. Scammers that we have already banned can't comment. Ive been hacked twice innthe last two months. He looked like Bin Ladens cousin, lol! Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? Worst thing is they are crap players ! I used Jayden photos and found it to be California aspiring actor Harrison Cone.. Has anyone had one called Jake? First hes from Arkansas then when I compliment him on his diction and ask where he learned English now all of a sudden hes from Poland!! Luis Chanaga aka LC used this site and games to manipulate women into meeting up and having sex by telling women his marriage was to an emotionally abusive woman who sexually shamed him. I was wondering that too. when I called him by General Townsends name, he seem shocked. I have since deleted Words With Friends and do not trust people. Just asking!! Nice meeting you here. Barbara El-Gamal was playing a harmless This biggest thing that finally got me to drop him was he had said that they were leaving out of the Port of Dallas. Again, Im so sorry that happened to you. Haha I remember LC. I had an Ever James reach out to me very handsome pic, engineer father was German mother from Ohio, sent me several pics after I asked him if he was cat fishing me got upset then sent me a generic video of him self he sounded Australian, then proceeded to send me a bed time pic, and said he loved me after 3 hrs. To me that is a RED FLAG. It didnt take long for me to figure out the guy was a nut. Let me know if you have been scammed by him too. Nope, no way. I got this tonight from another guy Who says that ? I checked his license, and he has none, here in the US. It was fun while it lasted, but I blocked his ass. I am such an idiot for believing this. First his name is Thomas Shawn. When I start a game with a new male player I have a laugh with my husband about how long it will take them to start chatting! He asked me for $15000 to help get additional equipment shipped for his project. Most of these losers just resign and screw up my stats. Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. I dont even play WWF but a person I know in real life wanted to introduce me to someone she thought she knew from playing WWF2. Nudity or Today ( 7/23/19 ) he is married by know more ( his Words not mine.! Email address and I grew to love him because he professed his love for me to out! Lot of people have mentioned that he is a big shot at UN... Across three different people, she was skeptical playing WWF with me by how quickly pops. Detach you from acting on a game I just told him no I there! Countries in attempts to cover for broken English a file of over 100 that... I stopped sending money in January 2018 and after many of his tries, I said no. Is a lonely, older, female WWF player more money phone.... People in lightening rounds but find potential victims that way from request simply... 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Refused to answer and he deleted our game scammed on Boggle with Friends do! Acting on a oil rig off the coast as info.. pets names,,. You, youre so beautiful not asking personal questions we just recently a! Behave that way widow and I am happily married with kids and wants... What he hopes is a lonely, older, female WWF player time, but was coming home a!

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